Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Usable Security and Privacy, Personal Information Management (PIM), Web Browsing Behaviour, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Universal Usability, Assistive Technology for Persons with Alzheimer's, and Location-Aware Mobile Computing.
Refereed journal articles, book chapters
Werlinger, R., Hawkey, K., Botta, D., and Beznosov, K. (2009). Security Practitioners in Context: Their Activities and Interactions with Other Stakeholders within Organizations. Int. Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 67(7): 584-606.
Werlinger, R., Hawkey, K., and Beznosov, K. (2009). An Integrated View of Human, Organizational, and Technological Challenges of IT Security Management. Journal of Information Management & Computer Security. 17(1):4-19.
Hawkey, K., Muldner, K, and Beznosov, K. (2008). Searching for the Right Fit: Balancing IT Security Management Model Tradeoffs. IEEE Internet Computing Magazine. 12(3):22-30.
Hawkey, K. (2008). Privacy issues associated with Web logging data. In B. J. Jansen, A. Spink & I. Taksa (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Web Log Analysis. Hershey, PA: IGI. 80-99.
Hawkey, K. and Kellar, M. (2008). Recommendations for reporting Web usage studies. In B. J. Jansen, A. Spink & I. Taksa (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Web Log Analysis. Hershey, PA: IGI. 181-205.
Kellar, M., Hawkey, K., Inkpen, K.M., and Watters, C. (2008).
Challenges of Capturing Natural Web-based User Behaviours. International
Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 24(4):385-409.
Tan, D.S., Gergle, D., Mandryk, R., Inkpen, K., Kellar, M., Hawkey, K. and Czerwinski, M. (2008). Using Job-Shop Scheduling Tasks for Evaluating Collocated Collaboration. User-Centred Design and Evaluation of Services for Human-Human-Communication and Collaboration, a Special Issue of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 12(3), 255-257(Springer Online First: 24 February 2007, 14 pages).
Dearman, D., Hawkey, K., and Inkpen, K.M. (2005)
Rendezvousing with Location-Aware Devices: Enhancing Social Coordination.
with Computers, 17(5),
Chiasson, T., Hawkey, K., McAllister, M., and
Slonim, J. (2002) An architecture in support of universal access to
electronic commerce. Journal of Information and Software Technology.
44(5): 279-289.
Other refereed contributions
Sun, S.T., Hawkey, K., and Beznosov, K. (2009). Secure Web 2.0 Content Sharing Beyond Walled Gardens. Proc. of Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2009), Honolulu, HI, December 7-11, 2009, 409-418. (~19% Acceptance Rate).
Jaferian, P., Botta, D., Hawkey, K., and Beznosov, K. (2009). A Case Study of IdM Adoption in an Insurance Organization. Proc. of ACM Symposium on Human Computer Interaction for Management of Information Technology (CHIMIT 2009), Baltimore, MD, November 7-8, 2009, 46-55. (~33% Acceptance Rate).
Raja, F., Hawkey, K., and Beznosov, K. (2009). Revealing Hidden Context: Improving Mental Models of Personal Firewall Users. Proc. of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2009), Mountain View, CA, July 15-17, 2009, Paper 1:1-12. (~31% Acceptance Rate).
Werlinger, R., Muldner, K., Hawkey, K., and Beznosov, K. (2009). Towards Understanding Diagnostic Work during the Detection and Investigation of Security Incidents. Proc. of Int. Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA 2009), Athens, Greece, June 25-26, 2009, 119-132.
Jaferian, P., Botta, D., Raja, F., Hawkey, K., and Beznosov, K. (2008). Guidelines for design of IT security management tools. Proc. of ACM Symposium on Human Computer Interaction for Management of Information Technology (CHIMIT 2008), San Diego, CA, November 14-15, 2008 (~29% Acceptance Rate).
Hawkey, K. (2008). Exploring a Human-Centered Approach to Managing Visual Privacy Concerns during Collaboration. Proc. of 3rd ACM International Workshop on Human-Centered Computing (HCC 2008). Vancouver, BC, October 31, 2008, 69-76 (~73% Acceptance Rate).
Werlinger, R., Hawkey, K., Muldner, K., Jaferian, P., and Beznosov, K. (2008). The Challenges of Using an Intrusion Detection System: Is It Worth the Effort? Proc. of Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2008), Pittsburgh, PA, July 23-25, 2008, 107-116 (~26% Acceptance Rate).
Werlinger, R., Hawkey, K., and Beznosov, K. (2008). Security practitioners in context: Their activities and interactions. Ext. Abstracts of ACM Conf. on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2008). Florence, Italy, 3789-3794. (Student Research Competition, ~30% Acceptance Rate).
Werlinger, R., Hawkey, K., and Beznosov, K. (2008). Human, Organizational, and Technological Challenges of Implementing IT Security in Organizations. Proc. of Int. Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA 2008), Plymouth, UK, July 8-9, 2008, 35-47. (Best Paper Award).
Birnholtz, J., Gutwin, C., and Hawkey, K. (2007) Privacy in the Open: How Attention Mediates Awareness and Privacy in Open-Plan Offices. Proceedings of Group 2007: Int. Conf. on Supporting Group Work, Florida, USA, November 2007, 51-60. Acceptance Rate: ~29%.
Hawkey, K. and Inkpen, K.M. (2007). PrivateBits: Managing Visual Privacy within Web Browsers, Graphics Interface 2007, Montreal, PQ, May 2007, 215-223.
(pdf). Acceptance rate: ~41%.
Hawkey, K. and Inkpen, K.M. (2006). Examining the Content and
Privacy of Web Browsing Incidental Information. Proceedings of WWW 2006, Edinburgh, UK,
May 2006, 123-132. (pdf). Acceptance rate: ~11%.
Hawkey, K. and Inkpen, K.M. (2006). Keeping up Appearances:
Understanding the Dimensions of Incidental Information Privacy. Proceedings of CHI 2006,
Montreal, PQ, April 2006, 821-830. (pdf).
Acceptance rate: ~23%.
Hawkey, K., Kellar, M., Reilly, D.,
Whalen, T., and Inkpen, K.M.(2005). The Proximity Factor: Impact of
Distance on Co-located Collaboration. In proceedings of the ACM
International Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP). Sanibel Island,
FL, USA, November 2005, 31-40. Acceptance rate: ~26%
(27/102 submissions)
Hawkey, K., Inkpen, K.M., Rockwood, K., McAllister, M. and Slonim, J.(2005) Requirements Gathering with
Alzheimer's Patients and Caregivers. In proceedings of the Seventh International
ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS).
Baltimore, MD, USA, October 2005, 142-149.
Acceptance rate: ~38% (23/60
Inkpen, K.M., Hawkey,
K., Kellar, M., Mandryk, R.L., Parker, J.K., Reilly, D., Scott, S.D. and
Whalen, T. (2005) Exploring Display Factors that Influence Co-Located
Collaboration: Angle, Size, Number, and User Arrangement. In Proceedings of HCI
International 2005. Las Vegas, USA, July 2005. pdf Acceptance rate: ~39%
(referreed extended abstract)
Dearman, D., Hawkey, K., and Inkpen, K.M. (2005) Impact of
Location-Awareness on Rendezvous Behaviour and Communication. International Workshop on
Location- and Context-Awareness (LoCA 2005) in cooperation with
Pervasive 2005, May 12-13, 2005. Oberpfaffenhofen near Munich, Germany (paper presented at LoCA and
distributed to attendees, but withdrawn from printed proceedings)
Acceptance rate: ~39% (33/84 submissions)
Hawkey, K. and Inkpen, K.M. (2005)
Privacy gradients: exploring ways to manage incidental information during co-located collaboration. (Late Breaking Results: Short Papers) in Extended Abstracts of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2005). Portland, OR, USA. pp. 1431 - 1434.
Note: Incorrectly classified in proceedings as a poster. Acceptance rate: ~25%
Dearman, D., Hawkey, K., and Inkpen, K.M. (2005)
Effect of location-awareness on rendezvous behaviour.(Late Breaking Results: Short Papers) in Extended Abstracts of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2005). Portland, OR, USA. pp. 1929 - 1932.
Acceptance rate: ~25%
Hawkey, K. and Inkpen, K.M. (2005)
Web browsing today: the impact of changing contexts on user activity. (Late Breaking Results: Posters) in Extended Abstracts of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2005). Portland, OR, USA. pp. 1443 - 1446. (poster)
Acceptance rate: ~40%
Kellar, M., Reilly, D., Hawkey, K., Rodgers, M., MacKay, B., Dearman, D., Ha, V., MacInnes, J.W., Nunes, M., Parker, J.K., Whalen, T., Inkpen, K.M. (2005)
It's a Jungle Out There: Practical Considerations for Evaluation in the City. (Late breaking Results: Posters) in Extended Abstracts of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2005). Portland, OR, USA. pp. 1533 - 1536. (poster)
Acceptance rate: ~40%
Hawkey, K., Kellar, M., MacKay, B., Parker, J.K., and Reilly, D.. (2004)
Designing a visual audience voting system. (CHI 2004 Student Competition) in Extended Abstracts of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2004), April 2004, Vienna, Austria, pp. 1641-1645. Finalists, 5th place.
Slonim, J., McAllister, M., Rockwood, K., Chiasson, T., Gates, C., and Hawkey, K. (2001) A Human-Centric Architecture for Personalization and Privacy. Presented at International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Science, and Education on the Internet (SSGRR'2001), L'Aquila: Italy, August 6-11, 2001, CD ROM.
Non-Reviewed Journal and Magazine Contributions
Edmonds, A., Hawkey, K., Jansen, B., Kellar, M. and Turnbull, D. (2007). Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Logging Traces of Web Activity. Journal of Web Engineering, 6 (3): 193-195.
Jaferian, P., Botta, D., Hawkey, K., and Beznosov, K. (2009). Towards Adapting Nielsen’s Heuristics for Evaluation of IT Security Management Tools. Poster presented at the ACM Symposium on Human Computer Interaction for Management of Information Technology (CHIMIT 2009), Baltimore, MD, November 7-8, 2009. (3 pages).
Hawkey, K. (2009). Examining the Shifting Nature of Privacy, Identities, and Impression Management with Web 2.0. Presented at Security and Privacy in Online Social Networking (SPOSN 09), a joint workshop of SocialCom-09 and PASSAT-09; in Proceedings of IEEE 2009 Int. Conf. on Computational Science and Engineering, Vancouver, BC, August 29-31, 2009, 990-995.
Sun, S.T., Hawkey, K., and Beznosov, K. (2009). Towards Enabling Web 2.0 Content Sharing Beyond Walled Gardens. Presented at Security and Privacy in Online Social Networking (SPOSN 09), a joint workshop of SocialCom-09 and PASSAT-09; in Proceedings of IEEE 2009 Int. Conf. on Computational Science and Engineering, Vancouver, BC, August 29-31, 2009, 979-984.
Jaferian, P., Botta, D., Hawkey, K., Beznosov, K. (2009). Towards Improving Identity Management Systems Through Heuristic Evaluation. Poster presented at the USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX-SEC 09), Montreal, Quebec, August 12-14, 2009. (4 pages).
Raja, F., Hawkey, K., Booth, K.S. (2009). Developing security and privacy requirements for a Local Area COllaborative Meeting Environment (LACOME). Poster presented at the USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX-SEC 09), Montreal, Quebec, August 12-14, 2009. (3 pages).
Motiee, S., Hawkey, K., and Beznosov, K. (2009). Towards Investigating User Account Control Practices in Windows Vista. Poster presented at the USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX-SEC 09), Montreal, Quebec, August 12-14, 2009. (3 pages).
Jaferian, P., Botta, D., Hawkey, K., Beznosov, K. (2009). A Multi-method Approach for User-centered Design of Identity Management Systems. Poster presented at the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2009), Mountain View, CA, July 15-17, 2009. (2 pages).
MacKenzie, R., Booth, K.S., Hawkey, K., and Staub-French, S. (2009) Projected Fishtank Virtual Reality for Architectural Models. In Poster Abstracts of Graphics Interface, Kelowna, BC, 5-6.
MacKenzie, R., Liu, Z., Perswain, P., Hawkey, K., and Booth, K.S. (2009) Lacome: The Large Collaborative Meeting Environment. In Poster Abstracts of Graphics Interface, Kelowna, BC, 7-8.
Maksakov, E., Hawkey, K., and Booth, K.S. (2009). Whale Tank Virtual Reality: Collaboration in VR Using a Large Screen. In Poster Abstracts of Graphics Interface, Kelowna, BC, 9-10.
Raja, F., Hawkey, K., and Beznosov, K. (2009). Towards Improving Mental Models of Personal Firewall Users. In the Ext. Abstracts of ACM Conf. on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2009). Boston, MA, USA, 4633-4638. (Work-in-progress).
Hawkey, K. (2008). Usable Security for Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease. Presented at the Symposium on Accessible Privacy and Security (SOAPS 2008), a SOUPS 2008 workshop. Pittsburgh, PA, July 23, 2008. (3 pages).
Jaferian, P., Botta, D., Hawkey, K., and Beznosov, K. (2008). Design Guidelines for IT security management tools. Presented at the Workshop on Usable IT Security Management (USM '08), a SOUPS 2008 workshop, Pittsburgh, PA, July 23, 2008. (6 pages).
Werlinger, R., Hawkey, K., and Beznosov, K. (2008). Responding to security incidents: Are security tools everything you need? Presented at FIRST 2008, Vancouver, Canada, June 2008. (Reviewed Extended Abstract, 4 pages).
Hawkey, K., Botta, D., Werlinger, R., Muldner, K., Gagne, A., and Beznosov, K. (2008). Human, Organizational, and Technological Factors of IT Security. Ext. Abstracts of ACM Conf. on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2008). Florence, Italy, 3639-3644. (Research Landscape).
Hawkey, K. (2008). A Model of Visual Privacy Concerns for PIM Systems. Personal Information Management Workshop (PIM 2008), a CHI 2008 2-Day Workshop. Florence, Italy, April 5-6, 2008 (Position paper).
Hawkey, K. and Inkpen, K.M. (2006). PrivateBits: Managing Visual Privacy in the Web Browser. Demonstration at CSCW 2006.
Banff, AB, November 4-8, 2006. (pdf)
Hawkey, K. and Inkpen, K.M. (2005) Managing the Privacy of Incidental Information During Collaboration. Poster Presentation at Graphics Interface 2005. Victoria, Canada, May 2005. (pdf) (poster)
Chung, H., Dearman, D., Ha, V.,Hawkey, K., Inkpen, I., Kellar, M., MacKay, B., Nunes, M., Parker, K., Reilly, D., Rodgers, M., and Whalen, T. (2004) Shared Annotations for Collaboration on Handheld Computers. Talk Session. Extended Abstracts of Dalhousie Computer Science In-House Conference. pp. 47-48
Hawkey, K. (2003). Design of a Device to Assist with Repetitive Questions in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease. Poster Session. Abstracts of Dalhousie Computer Science In-House Conference.
Hawkey, K. (2003). Design of a device to assist with repetitive questions in patients with Alzheimer's Disease. Poster Presentation at Graphics Interface 2003. Halifax, Canada, June 2003. (pdf) (poster)
Hawkey, K. (2002) Increasing Accessibility Through Personalization. Poster Session. Abstracts of Dalhousie Computer Science In-House Conference. 1: 28
Invited Presentations
Raja, F., Hawkey, K., and Beznosov, K. (2009). Revealing Hidden Context: Improving Mental Models of Personal Firewall Users. Talk presented by Fahmeh Raja at Microsoft Research. Redmond, WA, July 13, 2009.
Raja, F., Hawkey, K., and Beznosov, K. (2009). Towards Improving Mental Models of Personal Firewall Users. Poster presented at the NECTAR Annual General Meeting. Calgary, AB, May 28, 2009.
Maksakov, E., Hawkey, K., and Booth, K.S. (2009). Whale Tank Virtual Reality: Collaboration in VR Using a Large Screen. Poster presented at the NECTAR Annual General Meeting. Calgary, AB, May 28, 2009.
MacKenzie, R., Booth, K.S., Hawkey, K., and Staub-French, S. (2009) Projected Fishtank Virtual Reality for Architectural Models. Poster presented at the NECTAR Annual General Meeting. Calgary, AB, May 28, 2009.
MacKenzie, R., Liu, Z., Perswain, P., Hawkey, K., Booth, K.S (2009). Lacome: A LArge COllaborative Meeting Environment. Poster presented at the NECTAR Annual General Meeting. Calgary, AB, May 28, 2009.
Hawkey, K. (2009). Personal Firewalls. Invited Talk. Vancouver Security SIG, Vancouver, British Columbia, March 13, 2009.
Hawkey, K., Botta, D., Werlinger, R., Muldner, K., Gagne, A., and Beznosov, K. (2008). Human, Organizational, and Technological Factors of IT Security. Re-presentation of CHI 2008 Research Landscape Poster. Poster session, SOUPS 2008, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 23, 2008.
Hawkey, K. (2008). The HOT Admin Project: Human, Organizational, and Technological Factors of IT Security. Invited Talk. Vancouver Security SIG, Vancouver, British Columbia, July 16, 2008.
Hawkey, K. (2008). Usable Privacy and Security: Challenges and Future Research Directions. Invited Talk. Applied Computer Science, The University of Winnipeg, March 24, 2008.
Hawkey, K. (2008). Managing Visual Privacy during Informal Collaboration. Invited Talk. Faculty of Information and Media Studies, University of Western Ontario, February 13, 2008.
Hawkey, K., Muldner, K, and Beznosov, K. (2008). Searching for the Right Fit: Considerations when Balancing IT Security Management Model Tradeoffs. Poster presentation at the 9th Annual Privacy and Security Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, February 2008.
Werlinger, R., Hawkey, K., and Beznosov, K. (2008). Security practitioners in context: Their activities and collaborative interactions. Poster presentation at the 9th Annual Privacy and Security Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, February 2008.
Hawkey, K. (2007). Supporting Informal Collaboration. Invited Talk. Department of Management Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, University of Waterloo, May 9, 2007.
Hawkey, K. (2007). Managing Visual Privacy of Incidental Information within Web Browsers. Invited Talk. 2006-2007 Department Seminar Series, Department of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan, January 18, 2007.
Hawkey, K. (2006). Managing Visual Privacy of Incidental Information within Web Browsers. Invited Talk. Laboratory for Education and Research in Secure Systems Engineering Group, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia, November 17, 2006.
Hawkey, K. (2006). PrivateBits: Managing Visual Privacy in the Web Browser. Poster and demonstration at the NECTAR AGM.
Banff, AB, November 9, 2006.
Hawkey, K. (2005) Privacy Gradients: Exploring Ways to Manage Incidental Information During Co-located Collaboration. Invited Talk. Interaction Design Reading Group, Commputer Science, University of British Columbia, April 25, 2005.
Hawkey, K. (2003) Design of a Device to Assist with Repetitive Questions in Alzheimer’s Patients. Invited Talk. 6th Annual Symposium on the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease, November 28, 2003.
Hawkey, K. (2002) Invited Participant. Precarn Workshop on Web Intelligence for Functionally Illiterate and Cognitively Impaired Populations. Halifax, Nova Scotia, November 21-23, 2002.
Hawkey, K. (2001) A Human-Centric Layer in Support of Diverse Users and Devices. Doctoral Consortium Poster Session at User Modeling 2001. Germany, June 2001.
Technical Reports
Kaviani, N., Hawkey, K., and Beznosov, K. (2008). Analyzing the Security and Usability of a Two-factor Authentication Mechanism Using Mobile Phones. Tech Report No. LERSSE-TR-2008-03. Laboratory for Education and Research in Secure Systems Engineering, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (27 pages).
Hawkey, K. and Inkpen, K. (2004). Privacy Gradients: Understanding Web Browsing Privacy During Ad Hoc Co-Located Collaboration. Tech Report No. CS-2004-18, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.
Hawkey, K. and Kellar, M. (2004). Recommendations for reporting context in studies of web browsing behaviour. Tech Report No. CS-2004-16, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.
Kellar, M., Inkpen, K.M., Dearman, D., Hawkey, K., Ha, V. MacInnes, J.W., Mackay, B., Nunes, M., Parker, J.K., Reilly, D., Rodgers, M., and Whalen, T. (2004) Evaluation of Mobile Collaboration: Learning from our Mistakes. Tech Report No. CS-2004-13, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.
Dearman, D, Hawkey, K. and Inkpen, K.M. (2004). Exploring the Behavioural Effects of Location-Aware Computing While Rendezvousing. Tech Report No. CS-2004-12, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.
CPSC530b Co-instructor of Topics in Information Processing: Field Research (Winter 2009, University of British Columbia) CPSC 544 Human Computer Interaction (Fall 2008, University of British Columbia) CSCI 3120 Operating Systems (Summer 2003, Dalhousie University)
CSCI 1100/1202 Computer Science 1/Computer Science 1 for Science Students (Winter 2002, Dalhousie University)