**** UBC ELEC391 Spring 2017 **** Integrated file library **** HOW TO INSTALL LIBRARY: 1) Download latest version 2) Launch Altium 3) Open Libraries panel, if not visible launch from 'System buttom' at lower right corner 4) On Libraries Panel click on [Libraries ...] 5) On the 'Available Libraries' window click on [Install...] and follow prompts ***************************** LATEST VERSION ************************ version: PartsDatabaseV16p1 release: 01/Jan/2017 Kevin Wu, Roberto Rosales changes: - 3D models have been added for many components, especially common components - All components have been tested against the new DRC and errors resolved. - Foot prints added for header connectors - List of foot prints updated on 'elec391 Parts' master list ***************************** PREVIOUS VERSIONS ************************ version: PartsDatabaseV14.3 release: 29/Jan/2016 Andy Liu changes: - Eliminated need for external '.txt' SimCode model files for logic gates, all models are now embedded in the library - Corrected simulation model errors - Removed nested Vishay PCB models library and embedded corresponding part models in library - Eliminated cross-reference to TO220 package from Miscellaneous Devices.IntLib and embedded TO220 footprint in library