
Go to the documentation of this file.
00031 #include "simInt.h"
00033 static char rcsid[] UNUSED = "$Id: simIo.c,v 1.5 2005/05/10 15:50:43 hhkim Exp $";
00035 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00036 /* Constant declarations                                                     */
00037 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00039 /*
00040  * Maximum permissible length of a line in the simulation file.
00041  */
00042 #define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 500000
00047 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00048 /* Static function prototypes                                                */
00049 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00051 static array_t * SimObtainInputsArray(Sim_Sim_t * sim);
00052 static void FreeArrays(array_t *array1, array_t *array2, array_t *array3, array_t *array4);
00053 static array_t * BufferBuildInputsNodeArray(char * buffer, Ntk_Network_t * network);
00054 static array_t * BufferBuildLatchesNodeArray(char * buffer, Ntk_Network_t * network);
00055 static array_t * BufferBuildOutputsNodeArray(char * buffer, Ntk_Network_t * network);
00056 static array_t * BufferBuildValuesArray(char * buffer, array_t * nodesArray);
00057 static void SimAddVector(Sim_Sim_t * sim, array_t * vector);
00058 static void BufferSkipWhiteSpace(char * buffer, int * position);
00059 static char * BufferObtainStringAtPosition(char * buffer, int * position);
00060 static void PrintValue(array_t *nodesArray, array_t *vector, int vectorIndex, int strSize, FILE *file);
00065 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00066 /* Definition of exported functions                                          */
00067 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00085 void
00086 Sim_SimPrint(
00087   Sim_Sim_t       * sim,
00088   FILE            * of,
00089   boolean         printMode,
00090   int             printInputsFlag,
00091   int             printOutputsFlag,
00092   int             printPseudoInputsFlag,
00093   int             printStatesFlag
00094   )
00096 {
00097   int             i, j;
00098   char           *str;
00099   array_t        *vector = NIL(array_t);
00100   array_t        *formatArray;
00101   Ntk_Node_t     *node;
00102   Var_Variable_t *var;
00103   int             index;
00104   int             strSize     = 0;
00105   int             numNodes    = array_n(sim->nodesArray);  
00106   int             inputWidth  = sim->currentStateHead;
00108   if(sim->verbose) {
00109     (void) printf("Printing %d vectors...\n", array_n(sim->vectorArray));
00110   }
00112   formatArray = SimSimInitDataFormat(sim);
00114   if (printMode) {
00115     (void) fprintf(of, "# %s\n", Vm_VisReadVersion());
00116     (void) fprintf(of, "# Network: %s\n", Ntk_NetworkReadName(sim->network));
00118     if (sim->inputFile != NIL(char)) {
00119       (void) fprintf(of, "# Input Vectors File: %s\n", sim->inputFile);
00120     }
00121     else {
00122       (void) fprintf(of, "# Simulation vectors have been randomly generated\n");
00123     }
00124     (void) fprintf(of, "\n\n");
00125     (void) fprintf(of, ".inputs  ");
00126     for (i = 0; i < inputWidth; i++) {
00127       node = array_fetch(Ntk_Node_t *, sim->nodesArray, i);
00128       (void) fprintf(of, "%s ", Ntk_NodeReadName(node));
00129     }
00130     (void) fprintf(of, "\n");
00131     (void) fprintf(of, ".latches ");
00132     for (i = sim->currentStateHead; i < sim->internalPartitionHead; i++) {
00133       node = array_fetch(Ntk_Node_t *, sim->nodesArray, i);
00134       (void) fprintf(of, "%s ", Ntk_NodeReadName(node));
00135     }
00136     (void) fprintf(of, "\n");
00138     (void) fprintf(of, ".outputs ");
00139     for (i = sim->outputHead; i < numNodes; i++) {
00140       node = array_fetch(Ntk_Node_t *, sim->nodesArray, i);
00141       (void) fprintf(of, "%s ", Ntk_NodeReadName(node));
00142     }
00143     (void) fprintf(of, "\n");
00145     /* Reset State is the current state of the first vector */
00146     (void) fprintf(of, ".initial ");
00147     vector = array_fetch(array_t *, sim->vectorArray, 0);
00148     for (i = sim->currentStateHead; i < sim->internalPartitionHead; i++) {
00149       if(i >= array_n(vector)) {/* If currentState is not specified '*' is printed */
00150         (void) fprintf(of, "* ");
00151       }
00152       else {
00153         node = array_fetch(Ntk_Node_t *, sim->nodesArray, i);
00154         var = Ntk_NodeReadVariable(node);
00155         index = array_fetch(int, vector, i);
00156         if (Var_VariableTestIsSymbolic(var)) {
00157           (void) fprintf(of, "%s ", Var_VariableReadSymbolicValueFromIndex(var, index));
00158         }
00159         else { /* Binary or enumerative type */
00160           str = SimInteger2ASCII(index);
00161           (void) fprintf(of, "%s ", str);
00162           FREE(str);
00163         }
00164       }
00165     }
00167     (void) fprintf(of, "\n\n.start_vectors");
00169     (void) fprintf(of, "\n\n");
00171     /*
00172      * Print the order of variables for which values
00173      * are printed in the next lines.
00174      */
00176     (void) fprintf(of, "# ");
00177     /*
00178      * If either printInputsFlag or printPseudoInputsFlag is zero, we
00179      * cannot use the output as the input for simulation. Print a
00180      * warning message regarding that.
00181      */
00182     if ((printInputsFlag == 0) || (printPseudoInputsFlag == 0)){
00183       (void) fprintf(vis_stderr,"Warning - print flag of some inputs is set to zero.\n");
00184       (void) fprintf(vis_stderr,"Hence the output file you specified cannot be used as an input\n");
00185       (void) fprintf(vis_stderr,"file for a subsequent simulation run.\n");
00186     }
00188     if (printInputsFlag || printPseudoInputsFlag){
00189       for (i = 0; i < inputWidth; i++) {
00190         node = array_fetch(Ntk_Node_t *, sim->nodesArray, i);
00191         if (Ntk_NodeTestIsPrimaryInput(node)){
00192           if (printInputsFlag){
00193             (void) fprintf(of, "%s ", Ntk_NodeReadName(node));
00194           }
00195         }
00196         else{
00197           if (printPseudoInputsFlag){
00198             (void) fprintf(of, "%s ", Ntk_NodeReadName(node));
00199           }
00200         }
00201       }
00202       (void) fprintf(of, "; ");
00203     }
00205     if (printStatesFlag) {
00206       for (i = sim->currentStateHead; i < sim->internalPartitionHead; i++) {
00207         node = array_fetch(Ntk_Node_t *, sim->nodesArray, i);
00208         (void) fprintf(of, "%s ", Ntk_NodeReadName(node));
00209       }
00210       (void) fprintf(of, "; ");      
00211     }
00212     if (printOutputsFlag){
00213       for (i = sim->outputHead; i < numNodes; i++) {
00214         node = array_fetch(Ntk_Node_t *, sim->nodesArray, i);
00215         (void) fprintf(of, "%s ", Ntk_NodeReadName(node));
00216       }
00217       (void) fprintf(of, "\n\n");
00218     }
00219   }
00221   for (i = 0; i < array_n(sim->vectorArray); i++) {
00222     vector = array_fetch(array_t *, sim->vectorArray, i);
00223     if ((printInputsFlag) || (printPseudoInputsFlag)){
00224       for (j = 0; j < sim->currentStateHead; j++) {
00225         strSize = array_fetch(int, formatArray, j);
00226         node = array_fetch(Ntk_Node_t *, sim->nodesArray, j);
00227         if (Ntk_NodeTestIsPrimaryInput(node)){
00228           if(printInputsFlag){
00229             PrintValue(sim->nodesArray, vector, j, strSize, of);
00230           }
00231         }
00232         else {
00233           if (printPseudoInputsFlag){
00234             PrintValue(sim->nodesArray, vector, j, strSize, of);
00235           }
00236         }
00237       }
00238     }
00239     if (printStatesFlag){
00240       (void) fprintf(of,"; ");
00241       for (j = sim->currentStateHead; j < sim->internalPartitionHead; j++){
00242         strSize = array_fetch(int, formatArray, j);
00243         node = array_fetch(Ntk_Node_t *, sim->nodesArray, j);
00244         PrintValue(sim->nodesArray, vector, j, strSize, of);
00245       }
00246     }
00247     if (printOutputsFlag){
00248       (void) fprintf(of,"; ");
00249       for (j = sim->outputHead; j < numNodes; j++){
00250         strSize = array_fetch(int, formatArray, j);
00251         node = array_fetch(Ntk_Node_t *, sim->nodesArray, j);
00252         PrintValue(sim->nodesArray, vector, j, strSize, of);
00253       }
00254     }
00255     (void) fprintf(of, "\n");
00256   }
00257   if (printStatesFlag){
00258     /*
00259      * Need to print the final state on a separate line.
00260      */
00261     (void) fprintf(of,"# Final State : ");
00262     for (j = sim->currentStateHead; j < sim->internalPartitionHead; j++){
00263       strSize = array_fetch(int, formatArray, j);
00264       node = array_fetch(Ntk_Node_t *, sim->nodesArray, j);
00265       PrintValue(sim->nodesArray, vector, j, strSize, of);
00266     }
00267     (void) fprintf(of, "\n");
00268   }
00269   array_free(formatArray);
00270 }
00295 Sim_Sim_t *
00296 Sim_FileParseDeclaration(
00297   Ntk_Network_t * network,
00298   FILE          * fp,
00299   char          * inputFile,
00300   boolean         verbose)
00301 {
00302   int            i;
00303   Ntk_Node_t    *node;
00304   char           buffer[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
00305   char          *buffer2;
00306   int            currentStateHead;
00307   int            internalPartitionHead;
00308   int            nextStateHead;
00309   int            outputHead;
00310   st_table      *nodeToMvfTable;
00311   array_t       *nodesArray;
00312   int            lineNumber              = 0;
00313   array_t       *inputsArray             = NIL(array_t);
00314   array_t       *latchesArray            = NIL(array_t);
00315   array_t       *internalPartitionArray  = NIL(array_t);
00316   array_t       *outputsArray            = NIL(array_t);
00317   array_t       *initState               = NIL(array_t);
00318   Sim_Sim_t     *sim                     = NIL(Sim_Sim_t);
00319   graph_t       *partition;
00320   vertex_t      *vertex;
00321   array_t       *dfsarray;
00323   internalPartitionArray = array_alloc(Ntk_Node_t *, 0);
00325   /* Add internal partition nodes */
00326   partition = Part_NetworkReadPartition(network);
00327   dfsarray = g_dfs(partition);
00328   for(i=0; i< array_n(dfsarray); i++){
00329     vertex = array_fetch(vertex_t *, dfsarray, i);
00330     node = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByName(network, Part_VertexReadName(vertex));
00331     if(!(Ntk_NodeTestIsCombInput(node) || Ntk_NodeTestIsCombOutput(node))){
00332       array_insert_last(Ntk_Node_t *, internalPartitionArray, node);
00333     }
00334   }
00335   array_free(dfsarray);
00337   while (fgets(buffer, MAX_LINE_LENGTH -1, fp) != NULL) {
00338     int position = 0;
00339     lineNumber++;
00341     /* Every line must end by '\n' */
00342     if (buffer[strlen(buffer) -1] != '\n') {
00343       SimAppendErrorMsg("Simulate: Line ",
00344                        SimInteger2ASCII(lineNumber), "istoolong!\n");
00345       FreeArrays(inputsArray, latchesArray, outputsArray, internalPartitionArray);
00346       return(sim);
00347     }
00350     /* Eliminate spaces */
00351     BufferSkipWhiteSpace(buffer, &position);
00352     /* buffer2 will contain buffer without space in the begining */
00353     buffer2 = buffer + position;
00354     /* Avoid comment and empty lines */
00355     if (buffer[position] != '#' && buffer[position] != '\n') {
00356       if (!strncmp(buffer2, ".inputs", 7)) {
00357         inputsArray = BufferBuildInputsNodeArray(buffer2 + 7, network);
00358         if (inputsArray == NIL(array_t)) {
00359           SimAppendErrorMsg("Simulate: Error line ",
00360                            SimInteger2ASCII(lineNumber), ".\n");
00361           FreeArrays(inputsArray, latchesArray, outputsArray, internalPartitionArray);
00362           return(sim);
00363         }
00364       }
00365       else if (!strncmp(buffer2, ".latches", 8)) {
00366         latchesArray = BufferBuildLatchesNodeArray(buffer2 + 8, network);
00367         if (latchesArray == NIL(array_t)) {
00368           SimAppendErrorMsg("Simulate: Error line ",
00369                            SimInteger2ASCII(lineNumber), ".\n");
00370           FreeArrays(inputsArray, latchesArray, outputsArray, internalPartitionArray);
00371           return(sim);
00372         }
00373       }
00374       else if (!strncmp(buffer2, ".outputs", 8)) {
00375         outputsArray = BufferBuildOutputsNodeArray(buffer2 + 8, network);
00376         if (outputsArray == NIL(array_t)) {
00377           SimAppendErrorMsg("Simulate: Error line ", SimInteger2ASCII(lineNumber),
00378                            ".\n");
00379           FreeArrays(inputsArray, latchesArray, outputsArray, internalPartitionArray);
00380           return(sim);
00381         }
00382       }
00383       else if (!strncmp(buffer2, ".initial", 8)) {
00384         /* Error if latches are not  already read before initial-state */
00385         if (latchesArray == NIL(array_t)) {
00386           error_append("Simulate: Latches must be declared before initial state declaration.\n");
00387           FreeArrays(inputsArray, latchesArray, outputsArray, internalPartitionArray);
00388           return(sim);
00389         }
00390         initState = BufferBuildValuesArray(buffer2 + 8, latchesArray);
00391         if (initState == NIL(array_t)) {
00392           SimAppendErrorMsg("Simulate: Error line ",
00393                            SimInteger2ASCII(lineNumber), ".\n");
00394           FreeArrays(inputsArray, latchesArray, outputsArray, internalPartitionArray);
00395           return(sim);
00396         }
00397       }
00398       else if (!strncmp(buffer2, ".start_vectors", 14)) {
00399         /* Verification of the declarations */
00400         if (inputsArray == NIL(array_t)) {
00401           error_append("Simulate: Input file is missing inputs declaration.\n");
00402           FreeArrays(inputsArray, latchesArray, outputsArray, internalPartitionArray);
00403           return(sim);
00404         }
00406         currentStateHead = array_n(inputsArray);
00408         nodesArray = array_dup(inputsArray);
00409         array_free(inputsArray);
00410         inputsArray = NIL(array_t);
00411         if(latchesArray == NIL(array_t)) {
00412           /* Verify if actually there is no latch in the network */
00413           if (Ntk_NetworkReadNumLatches(network) > 0) {
00414             error_append("Simulate: Input file is missing latches declaration.\n");
00415             FreeArrays(inputsArray, latchesArray, outputsArray, internalPartitionArray);
00416             return(0);
00417           }
00418           else {
00419             internalPartitionHead = currentStateHead;
00420             nextStateHead = internalPartitionHead + array_n(internalPartitionArray);
00421             outputHead = nextStateHead;
00422           }
00423         }
00424         else {
00425           internalPartitionHead = currentStateHead + array_n(latchesArray);
00426           nextStateHead = internalPartitionHead + array_n(internalPartitionArray);
00427           outputHead = nextStateHead + array_n(latchesArray);
00428           /* Add current states node */
00429           array_append(nodesArray, latchesArray);
00430           array_append(nodesArray, internalPartitionArray);
00431           array_free(internalPartitionArray);
00432           /* Add next state node as data-input of current-state node */
00433           for(i = 0; i < array_n(latchesArray); i++) {
00434             node = array_fetch(Ntk_Node_t *, latchesArray, i);
00435             node = Ntk_LatchReadDataInput(node);
00436             array_insert_last(Ntk_Node_t *, nodesArray, node);
00437           }
00438           array_free(latchesArray);
00439         }
00440         if (outputsArray != NIL(array_t)) {
00441           array_append(nodesArray, outputsArray);
00442           array_free(outputsArray);
00443         }
00444         /* Building nodeToMvfTable */
00445         nodeToMvfTable = Sim_NetworkBuildNodeToMvfTable(network, nodesArray,
00446                                                        internalPartitionHead,
00447                                                        nextStateHead);
00448         sim = Sim_SimCreate(network, nodeToMvfTable, inputFile, lineNumber,
00449                             nodesArray, currentStateHead, internalPartitionHead, 
00450                             nextStateHead, outputHead, initState, NULL, verbose);
00452         return(sim); /* Normal end */
00453       }
00455       /* Unknown string in the declaration part */
00456       else {
00457         SimAppendErrorMsg("Simulate: Syntax error in the declaration line: ",
00458                          SimInteger2ASCII(lineNumber),
00459                          " or missing .start_vectors statement.\n") ;
00460         FreeArrays(inputsArray, latchesArray, outputsArray, internalPartitionArray);
00461         return(sim);
00462       }
00463     }
00464   }
00465   array_free(internalPartitionArray);
00466   return(sim);  
00467 }
00489 int
00490 Sim_FileParseVectors(
00491   FILE      * fp,
00492   Sim_Sim_t  * sim,
00493   int         num)
00494 {
00495   char           buffer[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
00496   char          *buffer2;
00497   array_t       *vectorArray;
00498   int            numberVector            = 0;
00499   array_t       *inputsArray             = SimObtainInputsArray(sim);
00501   sim->vectorArray = array_alloc(array_t *, 0);
00503   while (fgets(buffer, MAX_LINE_LENGTH -1, fp) != NULL) {
00504     int position = 0;
00505     (sim->lineNumber)++;
00507     /* Every line must end by '\n' */
00508     if (buffer[strlen(buffer) -1] != '\n') {
00509       SimAppendErrorMsg("Simulate: Line ", SimInteger2ASCII(sim->lineNumber),
00510                        " is too long!\n");
00511       array_free(inputsArray);
00512       return(0);
00513     }
00515     /* Eliminate spaces */
00516     BufferSkipWhiteSpace(buffer, &position);
00517     /* buffer2 will contain buffer without space in the begining */
00518     buffer2 = buffer + position;
00519     /* Avoid comment and empty lines */
00520     if (buffer[position] != '#' && buffer[position] != '\n') {
00521       /* Read only "num" vectors */
00522       if (numberVector >= num && num != 0) {
00523         array_free(inputsArray);
00524         return(1); /* Normal end before EOF */
00525       }
00526       vectorArray = BufferBuildValuesArray(buffer2, inputsArray);
00527       if (vectorArray == NIL(array_t)) {
00528         SimAppendErrorMsg("Simulate: Error line ",
00529                          SimInteger2ASCII(sim->lineNumber), ".\n");
00530         array_free(inputsArray);
00531         return(0);
00532       }
00533       numberVector++;
00534       SimAddVector(sim, vectorArray);
00535     }
00536   }
00537   array_free(inputsArray);
00538   return(2); /* End of file */
00539 }
00541 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00542 /* Definition of internal functions                                          */
00543 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00545 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00546 /* Definition of static functions                                            */
00547 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00558 static array_t *
00559 SimObtainInputsArray(
00560   Sim_Sim_t * sim)
00561 {
00562   int          i;
00563   Ntk_Node_t * node;
00564   array_t    * inputsArray = array_alloc(Ntk_Node_t *, 0);
00566   for (i = 0; i < sim->currentStateHead; i++) {
00567     node = array_fetch(Ntk_Node_t *, sim->nodesArray, i);
00568     array_insert_last(Ntk_Node_t *, inputsArray, node);
00569   }
00570   return(inputsArray);
00571 }
00582 static void
00583 FreeArrays(
00584   array_t *array1,
00585   array_t *array2,
00586   array_t *array3,
00587   array_t *array4)
00588 {
00589   if (array1 != NIL(array_t)) {
00590     array_free(array1);
00591   }
00592   if (array2 != NIL(array_t)) {
00593     array_free(array2);
00594   }
00595   if (array3 != NIL(array_t)) {
00596     array_free(array3);
00597   }
00598   if (array4 != NIL(array_t)) {
00599     array_free(array4);
00600   }
00601 }
00617 static array_t *
00618 BufferBuildInputsNodeArray(
00619   char * buffer,
00620   Ntk_Network_t * network)
00621 {
00622   char       *str;
00623   Ntk_Node_t *node;
00624   int         position = 0;
00625   array_t    *array    = array_alloc(Ntk_Node_t *, 0);
00627   while((str = BufferObtainStringAtPosition(buffer, &position)) != NULL) {
00628     node = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByActualName(network, str);
00629     if (node == NIL(Ntk_Node_t) || !Ntk_NodeTestIsInput(node)) {
00630       SimAppendErrorMsg("Simulate: ", str, " is not a valid input name.\n");
00631       array_free(array);
00632       FREE(str);
00633       return(NIL(array_t));
00634     }
00635     FREE(str);
00636     array_insert_last(Ntk_Node_t *, array, node);
00637   }
00638   /* Verification of number of values */
00639   if (array_n(array) != Ntk_NetworkReadNumInputs(network)) {
00640     error_append("Simulate: All inputs and pseudo-inputs must be specified.\n");
00641     array_free(array);
00642     return(NIL(array_t));
00643   }
00644   return(array);
00645 }
00661 static array_t *
00662 BufferBuildLatchesNodeArray(
00663   char * buffer,
00664   Ntk_Network_t * network)
00665 {
00666   char       *str;
00667   Ntk_Node_t *node;
00668   int         position = 0;
00669   array_t    *array    = array_alloc(Ntk_Node_t *, 0);
00671   while ((str = BufferObtainStringAtPosition(buffer, &position)) != NULL) {
00672     node = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByActualName(network, str);
00673     if (node == NIL(Ntk_Node_t) || !Ntk_NodeTestIsLatch(node)) {
00674       SimAppendErrorMsg("Simulate: ", str, " is not a valid latch name\n");
00675       array_free(array);
00676       FREE(str);
00677       return(NIL(array_t));
00678     }
00679     FREE(str);
00680     array_insert_last(Ntk_Node_t *, array, node);
00681   }
00682   /* Verification of number of items */
00683   if (array_n(array) != Ntk_NetworkReadNumLatches(network)) {
00684     error_append("Simulate: All latches must be specified.\n");
00685     array_free(array);
00686     return(NIL(array_t));
00687   }
00688   return(array);
00689 }
00704 static array_t *
00705 BufferBuildOutputsNodeArray(
00706   char * buffer,
00707   Ntk_Network_t * network)
00708 {
00709   char       *str;
00710   Ntk_Node_t *node;
00711   int         position = 0;
00712   array_t    *array    = array_alloc(Ntk_Node_t *, 0);
00714   while((str = BufferObtainStringAtPosition(buffer, &position)) != NULL) {
00715     node = Ntk_NetworkFindNodeByActualName(network, str);
00716     if (node == NIL(Ntk_Node_t) || !Ntk_NodeTestIsPrimaryOutput(node)) {
00717       SimAppendErrorMsg("Simulate: ", str, " is not a valid output name\n");
00718       FREE(str);
00719       array_free(array);
00720       return(NIL(array_t));
00721     }
00722     FREE(str);
00723     array_insert_last(Ntk_Node_t *, array, node);
00724   }
00725   return(array);
00726 }
00745 static array_t *
00746 BufferBuildValuesArray(
00747   char * buffer,
00748   array_t * nodesArray)
00749 {
00750   char       *str;
00751   Ntk_Node_t *node;
00752   int         index;
00753   int         i         = 0;
00754   int         arraySize = array_n(nodesArray);
00755   int         position  = 0;
00756   array_t    *array     = array_alloc(int, 0);
00758   while((str = BufferObtainStringAtPosition(buffer, &position)) != NULL) {
00759     if (i >= arraySize) {
00760       SimAppendErrorMsg("Simulate: Too many values(", str, " invalid value).\n");
00761       array_free(array);
00762       FREE(str);
00763       return(NIL(array_t));
00764     }  
00765     node = array_fetch(Ntk_Node_t *, nodesArray, i);
00766     i++;
00767     index = SimNodeReadValueCode(node, str);
00768     if (index == -1) {
00769       SimAppendErrorMsg("Simulate: ", str, ": invalid value.\n");
00770       array_free(array);
00771       FREE(str);
00772       return(NIL(array_t));
00773     }
00775     FREE(str);
00776     array_insert_last(int, array, index);
00777   }
00779   /* Verification of number of items */
00780   if (array_n(array) != array_n(nodesArray)) {
00781     error_append("Simulate: incomplete number of values.\n");
00782     array_free(array);
00783     return(NIL(array_t));
00784   }
00785   return(array);
00786 }
00800 static void
00801 SimAddVector(
00802   Sim_Sim_t * sim,
00803   array_t * vector)
00804 {
00805   array_insert_last(array_t *, sim->vectorArray, vector);
00806 }
00818 static void
00819 BufferSkipWhiteSpace(
00820   char * buffer,
00821   int * position)
00822 {
00823   for (; buffer[*position] == ' ' || buffer[*position] == '\t'; (*position)++);
00824 }
00838 static char *
00839 BufferObtainStringAtPosition(
00840   char * buffer,
00841   int * position)
00842 {
00843   char *str;
00844   int   strPosition;
00845   int   len;
00847   /* Traverse Space */
00848   BufferSkipWhiteSpace(buffer, position);
00850   strPosition = *position;
00851   for (;buffer[*position] != ' ' && buffer[*position] != '\t' &&
00852             buffer[*position] != ';'  && buffer[*position] != '\n'; (*position)++);
00854   if (strPosition == *position) {
00855     return(NIL(char));
00856   }
00857   len = *position - strPosition + 1;
00858   str = ALLOC(char, len);
00859   strncpy(str, buffer + strPosition, len - 1);
00860   str[len-1] = '\0';
00861   return(str);
00862 }
00879 static void
00880 PrintValue(array_t *nodesArray, array_t *vector, int vectorIndex,
00881            int strSize, FILE *file)
00882 {
00883   int index;
00884   Var_Variable_t *var;
00885   char *str;
00886   Ntk_Node_t *node;
00888   if (array_n(vector) > vectorIndex) {
00889     node = array_fetch(Ntk_Node_t *, nodesArray, vectorIndex);
00890     var = Ntk_NodeReadVariable(node);
00891     index = array_fetch(int, vector, vectorIndex);
00892     if (Var_VariableTestIsSymbolic(var)) {
00893       SimStringPrint(file, Var_VariableReadSymbolicValueFromIndex(var, index),
00894                      strSize);
00895     }
00896     else { /* Binary or enumerative type */
00897       str = SimInteger2ASCII(index);
00898       SimStringPrint(file, str, strSize);
00899       FREE(str);
00900     }
00901   }
00902   else {
00903     error_append("Warning: Value is missing in vector.\n");
00904     SimStringPrint(file, "*", strSize);
00905   }
00906 }