WARNING: old files on frack.ece.ubc.ca

Operator (root@dns.ece.ubc.ca) Sun, 28 Nov 99 01:30:04 -0800

From: Operator <root@dns.ece.ubc.ca>
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 99 01:30:04 -0800
Subject: WARNING: old files on frack.ece.ubc.ca

This is just a warning, generated by a program running on 'frack.ece.ubc.ca' User 'elec379' owns the file/directory: /tmp/man6271 on the machine 'frack.ece.ubc.ca.' This file is over 1 week old, if you no longer require it, then please log onto 'frack.ece.ubc.ca' and delete it.