Typo in assignment 3?

kevin Oldknow (koldknow@mech.ubc.ca) Thu, 4 Mar 1999 17:54:45 -0800

From: "kevin Oldknow" <koldknow@mech.ubc.ca>
Subject: Typo in assignment 3?
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 17:54:45 -0800

I don't know if this has already been caught (I didn't see an announcement on the Web Page), but I believe there is a typo in the ROM program in assignment 3. Under the "Assignment" section, the first instruction should read: 0 000 00111 LOAD 7 MOVE A,[7] instead of 0 000 000101 LOAD 5 MOVE A,[7] As it is written in the assignment, the value at address 5 will be loaded (0x85) instead of the value at address 7 (0x03). Has anyone else found this to be the case? Kevin Oldknow