Rayleigh and Ricean Distribution.

Titus Cheung (titus@ieee.org) Wed, 1 Mar 2000 10:13:22 -0800

From: "Titus Cheung" <titus@ieee.org>
Subject: Rayleigh and Ricean Distribution.
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 10:13:22 -0800

Dear List: Question with regards to Review Lecture, subtopic Rayleigh and Riean Distributions: 1) "state whether the envelope or the envelope squared is so distributed and convert to/from dB" Do we attempt this by finding the sigma=RMS value of given envelope and see if the mean variance and median calculated with sigma are the same with the ones calculated directly? Example: Are we trying to see if the value 0.43*sigma = second central moment of given envelope? I have a feeling that this is not the case but not sure how else to do it. Besides, I'm sure a lot of us would have trouble looking up Bessel functions for the Ricean distribution. 2) "state whether the envelope or the envelope squared is so distributed and convert to/from dB" What exactly does it mean by "convert to/from dB"? Are we talking about the same thing listed under subtopic Basic Concepts of Review Lecture or some other thing here? 3) As for "compute a probability that a Rayleigh or Ricean distributed variable is below a threshold ....." This is just the CDF? Someone know of the CDF for Ricean though? Thanks Titus