Re: Prob 4.7

Ed Casas ( Tue, 8 Feb 2000 13:20:51 -0800

Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2000 13:20:51 -0800
From: Ed Casas <>
Subject: Re: Prob 4.7

On Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 06:46:22PM -0800, Maria Lei [4681] wrote: > In problem 4.7, it listed "a signal level 10dB below the rms level..." > > Does this refer to: > 1) p = R/Rrms = -10 dB Yes, rho is the threshold value relative to the rms value of the envelope at which your are measuring the level crossing rate or mean fade duration ("p" is "rho"). > 2) Pr[ r <= R ] = 1 - exp(-p^2) = 1 - exp(- (R^2)/(2*sigma^2) ) > where R = 0.1 sigma These are two expressions for the CDF of the Rayeleigh distribution. The first is in terms of rho (R/Rrms) and the second in terms of sigma (the rms value of the two component Gaussians) and R. From these definitions you can derive the relationship between rho, R and sigma: rho = R/(sqrt(2)*sigma) Note that Rrms and R are voltages (use 20log(.) to convert to/from dB). -- Ed Casas +1 604 822-2592