
Mark Drlik ( Mon, 4 Dec 2000 22:52:58 -0800

From: "Mark Drlik" <>
Subject: Questions
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 22:52:58 -0800

Hello, Just a couple of questions: 1) For D/A & A/D converters, the term monotonic refers to the ability of the circuit to increase the digiital output for a given increase in input (and vice-versa). What other types of converters are available? Are there derivative and integral controlled converters? (IE, the controller guesses what the input analog trend will be and adjusts the digital output accordingly) 2) I am also confused as to what the physical representation of an 'address encoder' for a PC might be? 3) I was reading through the course objectives, and was wondering if 'selection of electric motors for a given application' material is available. I'm assuming it is not testable material as it wasn't covered in class? Cheers, Mark Drlik