The Assignment 4 presentations were well done, particularly considering the limited time available to prepare and present.

While some presentations were better than others, all covered the required content in appropriate detail for the time allowed.  I thus can't justify assigning different marks for different presenations.

I will assign all presentations the same mark. This will be equal to the average assignment mark, averaged over all students and all assignments.

Some comments that applied to several of the presentations:

- if you're unsure how a certain acronym is typically pronounced,
  ask or spell it out.  Acronyms that are difficult to pronounce
  are typically spelled out.

- if you're not sure of the meaning of a term or acronym don't
  include it in your presentation, use a generic term instead

- it would have been better to break down market size estimates
  into service provider revenue, retail sales revenue and
  equipment or component manufacturer revenue.

- it's a good idea to rehearse a couple of times before the

Unless there are objections, I will post the presentations on the course (D2L) web site so other students can refer to them.