The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of marked items (1 mark
each).  Annotations in marked submissions indicate the number of marks
deducted.  A single red "X (see solutions)" is used when one mark is


                 Lab 1 (Simulation - Coding Gain) (6)

- GRC flowgraph without FEC
- GRC flowgraph with FEC
- screen capture with showing signals
- spreadsheet with data
- plot
- calculation of coding gain

                      Lab 2 (OFDM Spectrum) (5)

- GRC flow graph
- frequency spectra for N=128, 32 subcarrier, 1 MHz
- " for N=256 
- " for nc=64 
- " for fs=2 MHz 

                           Lab 3 (IoT) (3)

- code listing (1)
- successful publishing of secret (1)
- screen capture of RSSI display in report (1)

                     Lab 4 (NLOS Propagation) (4)

- a plot of amplitude vs time
- a histogram of the amplitude and a fit Rayleigh
- a log-log plot of path loss vs distance
- calculation of the path loss exponent

                     Lab 5 (IP3 Measurement) (4)

- screen capture of GRC flowgraph
- spectrum analyzer screeen capture
- table of measurements with at least one value of OIP3 between 20 and 30 dBm
- a comparison with manufacturer's specification

                             Quiz 1 (4)

- one mark per question
                              Quiz 2 (9)


- speed in m/s
- fm
- NR


- excess delays
- normalized powers
- mean excess delay
- rms delay spread (2)

                             Quiz 3 (12)


- 0.5 per probability for p(y) (x3)

- 0.5 for marginal probabilites matching above
- 0.5 for a sketch of a discrete joint PDF
- 0.5 if the sketch shows four discrete values (any values)


- equation
- result


- equation
- result

                  Midterm Exam 2 (marked out of 13)

Q1 (4)

- G = Dk = 8*0.5 = 4
- \lambda = c/f = 300/24000 = 0.0125
- Ae = G \lambda^2/4\pi = 4 x 156E-6 / 12 = 40E-6 m^2
- convert to mm^2

Q2 (4)

- Friis equation
- convert gains to linear units: 1 and 1E6
- lambda = c/f = 300 / 1500 = 0.2m
- PR = ... 17E-15 W ~ -107 dBm

Q3 (3)

- Ae = ... (2)
- answer

Q4 (2):

- equation
- answer: 50+10x2.5log(d/d0) = 50 + 25*log(4) = 65

                              Final Exam

Q1 (2):

- use of Friis equation
- correct answer (~10dB)

Q2 (2):

- correct value of m (24)
- correct period (16,777,215)

Q3 (2):

- correct level for 1\% fading (20dB)
- correct answer (30dB)

Q4 (2):

- calculation of mean path loss (35dB)
- calculation of required shadow fading margin (15dB) 
- correct answer (10dB)

Q5 (3):

- use power law (35dB)
- correct shadow fading margin (15dB)
- correct answer (10dB)

Q6 (2):

- correct equation
- correct answer

Q7 (2):

- use of BSC capacity
- correct answer

Q8 (2):

- correct block size
- correct number of parity symbols

Q9 (2):

- correct method and values
- correct answer

Q10 (4):

- correct formula for cascade IIP3
- correct IIP3
- correct formula for cascade NF
- correct NF

Q11 (2):

- correct mean delay
- correct delay spread

Q12 (1):

- correct answer (or reasonable guess: 5)