
Welcome to ELEX 4653 - Introduction to Python


Our first lecture is Monday, April 24 at 11:30 in SW3-1710.

Course Schedule


The set 4L lab has been corrected from Tuesday at 8:30 to Wednesday at 8:30.














13:30 (4T)

10:30 (4S)
14:30 (6S)

8:30 (4L)
12:30 (4S)

12:30 (4L)

09:30 (4T)
13:30 (6S)

April 24






May 01






May 08






May 15






Legend: Ln = Lab n, P = Presentations

Tentative, subject to change.

Please sign up for your presentation topic


Once you have decided on a presentation topic, please create a new thread under the appropriate discussion in the Presentation Sign-Up forum.

Choose a topic from the list or e-mail me for permission/advice if you'd like to do your presentation on something else.

There will only be time for 7 presentations in each set so you must work in groups:

Use your topic name as the Subject of the thread and include the name(s) of the people presenting in the content of the Post.  Presentations must be done in groups due to the limited time available.  If you want to present on a topic that doesn't have enough people, you can ask if you can work on the same topic with them.  On Wednesday, May 10, I will assign topics to individuals who have not already posted a topic or are not included in a presentation group.

Please check your presentation group & topic


Please check the list of presentation groups and topics and send me any corrections.

Presentation Instructions


If you will be using your own laptop for the presentation, your computer must have an HDMI output or an adapter to convert to HDMI.  You may also sign in on the instructor's workstation and use it for your presentation (check that any required packages are installed or installable on AppsAnywhere).

Your presentation must be 10 minutes or less.  Marks will be deducted for going over time and you will be cut off after 12 minutes.

You will be marking your peers using a Jupyter notebook that you must submit to the appropriate assignment folder after the presentations for your set.   You will not get a mark for your own presentation if you do not submit marks for your peers.

A typical presentation includes:

Be prepared to demonstrate your understanding of what you present by answering a couple of questions from your peers and/or the instructor.

Exam Questions


The final exam will have four questions.  The questions will be slightly different for each set.  The questions will require you to:

  1. Write a function that iterates through a simple data structure (list, tuple, dictionary or set) and return the value of an item that satisfies a condition (e.g. the values between two other values, the values included in a second list, etc.).  Make sure you can iterate through these data structures and test the values.
  2. Iterate through a data structure and return a list containing the values that satisfy a condition. You must be able to iterate through a data structure and update a list.
  3. Iterate through a data structure and return a dictionary or a set whose keys and/or values are computed from the values in the supplied data structure.  You must be able to create and update a dictionary or a set.
  4. Create a regular expression that matches a specified sequence.  You must be able to create a regular expression using the patterns described in the lecture notes.

Wednesday 10:30 AM lecture will be posted as a video instead (and office hours today cancelled)


Unfortunately, I cannot make the Wednesday 10:30 AM lecture in person so I will record and post the lecture instead.

The video is posted as: ELEX 4653 Lecture - Wednesday 10:30 (4).

I will also not be able to hold office hours on Wednesday.  Please contact me by email if you would like to schedule office hours at some other time.

Extra Time for Exams


Students will typically not have a problem completing the exam in the assigned time.

However, please let me know if you would like extra time to complete an upcoming exam and we may be able to make arrangements for your set to start an hour earlier (sets 4L or 4T) or finish later (set 6S).   All other exam rules will apply to those starting early or late including no communication with others in any form and no internet access except to specific web sites.

If you're in set 4L (not 4S) you may come by the lab (SW1-2650) on Thursday between 11:30 and 12:30 with a flash drive I’ll give you a copy of the exam so you can start the exam early.

Share your Presentation


Students have asked if I could make available the slides and other materials used in the presentations.

If you would like to share your presentation materials, please upload them to the Presentation Slides - Optional folder by this Friday and I will copy them over to the Presentation Slides folder.  This Learning Hub web site should remain accessible indefinitely.

Unofficial Final Marks


All items have been marked and the unofficial (subject to change) marks posted.  Let me know as soon as possible if you have any questions.

The distribution of the final marks is:

The following scatter plot shows the final exam mark versus the average lab mark. Students in the lower right (high lab mark, low final exam mark) are a concern.