ELEX 4653 Final Exam 5


  • Answer all four (4) questions.

  • You have 110 minutes to complete the exam.

  • This is an open-book exam. All written material is allowed.

  • No electronic devices other than a flash drive and the lab PC may be used during the exam.

  • No communication with others (electronic, verbal, written or otherwise) is allowed during the exam. Violations will result in a mark of zero and disciplinary action.

  • Add the Python code described below in the cells provided.

  • Test your code using the menu item Cell ► Run All

  • The message "Solution to question N may be correct." at the bottom of the notebook means that your answer to question N may be correct.

  • When the exam time is over, save the notebook (the .ipynb file) and upload it to the appropriate dropbox on the course web site.

Question 1

The code below generates a list of numbers (x1) and a list of boolean (True or False) values (t1). Write code to create a list y1 that has the same values as x1 except that they are negated if the corresponding element of t1 is True. For example, if x1 is [1,-2,3] and t1 is [True, True, False] then y1 should contain -1,2,3.

In [1]:
from random import randrange as rr
x1=[rr(0,20)-10 for _ in range(rr(6,10))]
t1=[bool(rr(0,2)) for _ in range(len(x1))]

y1=[-x if t else x for x,t in zip(x1,t1)]
([9, -9, -3, -7, -7, 9],
 [True, False, True, True, True, False],
 [-9, -9, 3, 7, 7, 9])

Question 2

The following code sets the variable d2 to a dictionary where the key and value are both single letters. Write python code that creates a set x2 that contains the same number of elements as d2 and where each member of the set is the concatenation of a key and value from d2. For example if d is {'a':'x', 'z':'0'} then x2 should contain {"ax", "z0"}. Hints: d.items() is an iterator that yields the key,value tuples in d and '+' concatenates two strings.

In [2]:
from random import randrange as rr
d2=dict(zip([chr(rr(97,123)) for _ in range(10)],[chr(rr(97,123)) for _ in range(10)]))

x2=set(k+v for k,v in d2.items())
({'a': 'm',
  'f': 'u',
  'j': 'q',
  'k': 'c',
  'm': 'u',
  'n': 'x',
  'o': 'c',
  'z': 'a'},
 {'am', 'fu', 'jq', 'kc', 'mu', 'nx', 'oc', 'za'})

Question 3

Write a function called prod(x) that takes a list argument x and returns the product of the values in x. For example, if x = [1,3,4] it would return 12.

In [3]:
def prod(x):
    return x[0] if len(x) == 1 else x[0]*prod(x[1:])

from random import randrange as rr
l=[rr(1,10) for _ in range(10)]

Question 4

An IP address consists of four numbers of between one and three digits separated by periods. For example, "" or "". Set the variable ipre to a regular expression that matches an IP address. Hint: note that a period in a regular expression matches any character.

In [4]:
In [5]:
# exam validation code; do not modify
def examcheck():   
    from random import randrange as rr
    import re
        if not any(x*y > 0 == (not t) for x,y,t in zip(x1,y1,t1)):
            print("Solution to question 1 may be correct.") 
    except Exception as e:
        print("In question 1:",e)
        if all(d2[v[0]] == v[1] for v in x2) and all(v[0] in [v[0] for v in x2] for v in d2.keys()):
            print("Solution to question 2 may be correct.")
    except Exception as e:
        print("In question 2:",e)
        def unprod(p,l): return p if not l else unprod(p/l[0],l[1:])
        l=[rr(1,10) for _ in range(10)]
        if unprod(prod(l),l) == 1.0:
            print("Solution to question 3 may be correct.")
    except Exception as e:
        print("In question 3:",e)
        if [len(re.findall(ipre,s)) for s in ['', '', '11111', '1.1.1']]==[1,1,0,0]:
            print("Solution to question 4 may be correct.")
    except Exception as e:
        print("In question 4:",e)

Solution to question 1 may be correct.
Solution to question 2 may be correct.
Solution to question 3 may be correct.
Solution to question 4 may be correct.