Documentation Requirements

Assembly-Language Programs

Assembly-language programs need to be heavily commented because assembly code is much harder to understand than code in a higher-level language. However, quality is more important than quantity -- don't use meaningless, irrelevant (``cute'') or incorrect comments.

As a minimum, include the following:

The in-line comments should be a high-level explanation of your algorithm similar to pseudo-code rather than an explanation of the effects of each instruction. It should be possible for someone to figure out what your code does simply by reading the comments.

Block Diagrams for Synthesizeable VHDL Descriptions

In this course you are required to draw a block diagram for each VHDL description that you prepare as part of an assignment or lab.

Creating two independent versions (textual and graphical) of a single design is poor practice since it allows the two versions to get out of step with each other. However, these diagrams will help you visualize the hardware that will be synthesized by your description and should make you a more effective designer. Hand-drawn diagrams are sufficient.

Your diagrams should include the correct graphical equivalent for each of the following VHDL constructs:

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