ELEC 379 : Digital and Microcomputer System Design

Contents: [ Instructor | Office Hours | Lectures | Tutorials | Labs | Assignments | Teaching Assistants | Web Page | Text | Other References | Evaluation | Newsgroup | Intended Audience | Prerequisites | Objectives | Course Outline ]


Ed Casas. The best way to contact me is by e-mail: edc@ece.ubc.ca. You can come to my office in MCLD 451, preferably during the scheduled office hours (see below).

Office Hours

Mondays 2:30 to 3:30 PM in MCLD 451.


Wednesdays and Fridays, 12:30 to 1:30 AM in MCLD 402. Lectures start September 9 and end December 2. No lectures on November 11 due to holidays.


Mondays, 12:30 to 1:30 PM in MCLD 402. Tutorials start September 14 and end November 30. No tutorial on October 12 due to holidays. Tutorials may cover new and important material and attendance is required.


Alternate Tuesdays, 9:30 to 12:30 in MCLD 254. Labs start September 22 and end December 1.

The tentative lab schedule is as follows:

Lab   Topic                                Starts (L1A) Report Due

 1    Address Decoder                      Sep 22       Oct  6
 2    Wait State Generator                 Oct  6       Oct 20
 3    Parallel Output Port                 Oct 20       Nov  3 
 4    Serial Output Port                   Nov  3       Nov 17
 5    to be decided                        Nov 17       Dec  1 
Dates are shown for section L1A, section L1B dates are one week later except that the last lab will also be due on Dec 1.

Except in case of equipment shortages all labs are to be done individually.

All labs will require that you design and simulate a circuit before the lab. You will be required to hand in the source code for your design before starting the lab.

You must print out the source code and demonstrate your working design to the TA before the end of the lab session. The TA will then ask you one or two questions about your program to make sure you understand the material. If did your own work you shouldn't have any problems answering the question(s).

A short lab report must be handed in to the course assignment box (see below) before 9:30 AM on the due dates shown above. This report should include a brief description of your design, source code listings and schematics, and answers to any questions posed in the lab notes. Lab reports should be placed in the box marked "ELEC 379 Assignments" outside MCLD 332.

Each lab will be marked out of 5 as follows:

	correct program/circuit		3
	answers after demo		1
	accurate/complete/neat report	1 

If a lab is not demonstrated on time you will receive a mark of zero for that lab (0/5). If the report is not handed in on time you will receive zero for the report (0/1).

You must complete all labs to pass the course -- even if you would get a mark of zero for a lab.

Each student must submit an original solution. Possible penalties for plagiarism include a mark of zero for all labs.


Assignment will be given out approximately once a week and will be due one week later. Solutions will be given out for all questions but not all questions will be marked. Late assignments will be given a mark of zero. Assignments should be placed in the box marked "ELEC 379 Assignments" outside MCLD 332.

Assignments are to be done individually. Students are encouraged to seek help from classmates but copying is not allowed. Possible penalties for plagiarism include a mark of zero for all assignments.

Teaching Assistants

Tommy Zhang tonghuaz@ece.ubc.ca and Norman Lo normanl@ece.ubc.ca will mark assignments and supervise the labs.

Web Page

The course Web page (http://www.ece.ubc.ca/~elec379) will be used to make announcements and to distribute course material (e.g. data sheets). You can also use the Web page to check your marks. Any browser can be used read these pages.

The lecture notes, assignments, labs and solutions will be available from the Web page in PDF format. Free software to view and print PDF documents (Ghostview, Adobe Acrobat) is available for most computers.


We will not use a textbook in this course. Concepts will be explained in the lecture notes and we will use manufacturers' data sheets and standards documents as examples and reference material. I hope this will give you a better introduction to the design process than using a textbook.

Detailed notes will be distributed before the relevant lecture. The notes will often contain exercises or sections to be completed during the lecture.

Please wait until the end of the lecture before taking extra copies. You can always print copies from the course's Web page (see below).

Other References

The Indispensable PC Hardware Book, third edition, by Hans-Peter Messmer (Addison-Wesley, 1997) is a detailed reference on the IBM PC Architecture.

VHDL for Logic Synthesis: An Introductory Guide for Achieving Design Requirements by Andrew Rushton (McGraw-Hill, 1996, US$55) is a good text on logic synthesis using VHDL. VHDL Made Easy by David Pellerin and Douglas Taylor (Prentice-Hall, 1997) is an easy-to-read introduction to using VHDL for design. The Designer's Guide to VHDL by Peter J Ashenden (Morgan Kaufmann, 1996) is an complete reference on the VHDL language. The 80x86 Family by John Uffenbeck (Prentice-Hall, 1998) covers the 80x86 family of microprocessors and their support chips in detail. These books cover much more than you will need for this course. A number of tutorials and a short book on VHDL are available on the net (see the Web page).

The Art of Electronics, second edition, by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill, Cambridge University Press, 1989, is a good practical reference book on most aspects of electronics although much of the material is now dated.


There will be a one-hour mid-term examination on Friday October 23 from 12:30 to 1:20 PM and a 3-hour final exam in December. The final mark will be calculated as follows:
	final exam  		50%
	midterm exam 		25%
	assignments 		10%
	labs			15%


The course news group (news:ubc.courses.elec.379) can be used to ask or answer questions or to make comments about the course. Most Web browsers can be used to read and post to newsgroups.

Intended Audience

Students who will design systems that include digital electronics.

ELEC 379 is designed for students in the Electrical Engineering rather than the Computer Engineering stream. The course covers the same material as a combination of ELEC 353 (logic design) and ELEC 465 (microcomputer design) but does not cover the material in as much depth.

If you are in the computer engineering option you should probably take ELEC 353 plus ELEC 465 rather than this course. Ask your faculty advisor for more details.


Student should have experience in the design of simple digital circuits and have done some machine language programming of a microprocessor.


By the end of the course the student should have the background required to begin designing microprocessor-based systems using programmable logic ICs. In general, the student should be able to: Detailed objectives will be provided in the introduction to each set of lecture notes.

Course Outline

The course is structured in a bottom-up order: digital logic circuits, the processor bus, the system bus, and peripheral interfaces. As examples we will use Altera 10K FPGAs, the Intel 80386 CPU, the ISA/PC-104 and PCI system buses and RS-232 and SCSI peripheral interfaces. Contents: [ Instructor | Office Hours | Lectures | Tutorials | Labs | Assignments | Teaching Assistants | Web Page | Text | Other References | Evaluation | Newsgroup | Intended Audience | Prerequisites | Objectives | Course Outline ]
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