Using Max+PlusII on the Sun Workstations

Note that some Sun workstations run Solaris and some run SunOS 4.1.3. For the time being you can only use the software under Solaris. Select the Openwindows option after you log in. To run the Max+Plus II software on a Solaris (Sun OS 5.x) workstation you should add the following lines to the end of your .cshrc.solaris file:
set maxplus2 = /nfs/wilton/export/altera/maxplus2
set path = ($path $maxplus2/bin)
setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE $maxplus2/adm/license.dat
setenv MWFONT_CACHE_DIR /tmp
If you don't already have a .cshrc.solaris file use the following command to create the file:
   cat ~elec379/.cshrc.altera > ~/.cshrc.solaris
If you do already have a .cshrc.solaris file use the following command to append the required lines:
   cat ~elec379/.cshrc.altera >> ~/.cshrc.solaris
[note that the name of the file is .cshrc.solaris not .cshrc.local as I had written previously]

To run Max+PlusII use the command: max2win

You have been assigned a limited amount of disk space (quota). Use the command quota -v to find out how much you've used and your limit. After finishing an assignment you'll probably want to keep your .vhd and .scf files and delete everything else. Netscape has a 5 MB default disk cache size. You'll probably want to set the disk cache size to zero and clear the disk cache if you use Netscape.

If you encounter ``RPC: NFS timeout'' errors, try running the software on the workstation it is installed on. To do this type the command: ssh wilton to log into the remote machine.

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