The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of marked items (1
mark each).


Lab 1 Pre-Lab (4)

- table with bits and voltages
- correct AWG sample frequency (10/104us ~= 96kHz) 
- a drawing of a waveform
- some sort of C program

Lab 1 Report (4)

- hexedit screen capture
- audacity screen capture
- 'scope screen capture
- C listing

Lab 2 Pre-Lab (5)

- at least +/- 5V on the output
- on a DTE RxD is the input
- baud rate = sample rate/8
- computation of file size
- C code

Lab 2 Report (3)

- Teraterm screen capture
- 'scope screen capture
- C code

Lab 3 Pre-Lab (4)

- equations for C, L and l
- Cat 5 C and L specifications
- possible range of values for C and L
- a spreadsheet

Lab 3 Lab (3)

- letter of package measured
- table with approximately correct C, L and l
- comparison to published values

Lab 4 Pre-Lab (5)

- factor computation
- gain computation
- sweep rate
- DMM RMS or average
- C code

Lab 4 Report (5)

- modified C code listing
- graph of amplitude and phase response
- type of filter
- roll-off (dB/octave)
- submitted spreadsheet

Lab 5 Pre-Lab (3)

q2: DC voltage
q4: frequency limit
q5: number of levels

Lab 5 Report (4)

- plots of first 2k samples
- histograms
- comparison table
- explanation for discrepancy

Lab 6 Pre-Lab (3)

- rand() returns row of random numbers
- subscript with (:) returns a vector
- .' is transpose

Lab 6 Report (3)

- 'scope waveform screen captures
- plot of three computed spectra
- table with data & frequency of first null

Lab 7 Pre-Lab (3)

- schematic
- q3: L
- q4: H

Lab 7 Report (3)

- screen capture of square wave output
- calculation of output impedance
- slew rate measurement

Lab 8 Pre-Lab (1)

- screen capture of a reasonable attempt at creating an Ethernet

Lab 8 Report (5)

- corrected hexedit screen capture
- 'scope screen capture with required waveforms
- wireshark screen capture
- answer to (2): preamble frequency is 2.5 MHz
- wireshark doesn't show preamble or CRC


Assignment 1 (6)

q1a - 24

q1b - bit FE0 in register USR0 A

q1c The question does not state whether the polarity or level of
    the voltage levels should be compared so either comparison
    (polarity or voltage) was marked as correct.

q2 Every student misinterpreted the question as asking for the
   80% bandwidth instead of the 80% *power* bandwidth.

q3 The question does not state whether the THD of the input or
   output should be computed.  Either 0 (input THD) or 0.48 (THD
   of square wave) were considered correct.

q4 The question did not specify what result of the CLT
   demonstration was to be handed in.  Thus writing a program (or
   Matlab expression) that computes 1000 +/-1 values as specified
   *or* that shows a symmetric histogram for N=1, 4 or 12 was
   marked as a correct answer.

Assignment 2 (7)

- one mark for each correct answer to questions 1 to 3 and 5 (4)
- one mark for each correct answer to each part of question 4 (3)

Assignment 3 (8)

q1: 1 for getting an answer using FEC
    1 for using BSC capacity
q2: 2 (one mark per part)
q3: 2 minus -0.5 per wrong byte
q4: 2 (one mark per part)

			  Mid-Term Exam 1


- bit duration
- start/stop bit
- bit order
- bit polarity
- parity


- correct equation for AWG
- calculation of wire diameter
- correct equation for Zo
- correct answer

			  Mid-Term Exam 2


- correct bit values
- waveform for each bit
- labelled bits


- correctly compute -10dB as a voltage ratio (1/sqrt(10))
- correctly compute the x value at that y value (2 marks)
- compute the correct bandwidth using both sides

			   Final Exam
Marks assigned as follows (total of 30):

Question 1:

- information for each message (2)
- entropy for source (2)
- answer (1)

Question 2 :

- hex value (2)
- character (2)

Question 3:

- symbol rate = 2x 0.6 = 1.2 MHz
- 3 bits/symbol = 3 Mb/s

Question 4:

- convert to bits
- division method
- division result
- conclusion

Question 5:

- computing d
- detect 3
- correct 1
- 1 bit/symbol

Question 6:

- source address
- destination address

Question 7 :


- 2^12-1
- =4095


- random
- because cannot predict future value

(c) (not marked)


- go-back-N
- long delay but low error rate
