Welcome to ELEX 3525

Our first lecture is on Wednesday, January 4.  The first lab will be Thursday, January 14 12.  Information about the course is available and a copy will be handed out at the first lecture.

Change to Office Hours

To accommodate a lecture time change in another course I've updated my office hours to:

all in SW1-3061 (via SW1-3059).

Lecture Swap with ELEX 3521

The following ELEX 3525/3521 lectures will be swapped:

On Tuesday, February 7, Ed Casas will use the ELEX 3521 slot in SE6-206 from 8:30 to 9:30 to teach an ELEX 3525 lecture.

On Thursday, February 9, Yousry Abdelhamid will use the ELEX 3525 slot in SW3-4785 from 2:30 to 3:30 to teach an ELEX 3521 lecture.

This swap is only for one pair of lectures that one week.  The rooms and times will remain the same.  Only the instructor and the material taught in those lecture slots will change.

Lab Proctor Hours

The hours should be posted on the lab doors soon.  The projected schedule is as follows:

Wednesday   2:30-5:30 PM
Thursdays 3:30-5:30 PM
Fridays 4:30-7:30 PM


Changes to Lab Proctor Hours

The hours have been changed to:

Wednesday - 2:30 - 5:30PM
Thursday    - 3:30 - 5:30PM
Sunday       - 10AM - 1PM

(Another) Lecture Swap with ELEX 3521

On Tuesday, February 21, Ed Casas will use the ELEX 3521 slot in SE6-206 from 8:30 to 9:30 to teach an ELEX 3525 lecture.

On Thursday, February 23, Yousry Abdelhamid will use the ELEX 3525 slot in SW3-4785 from 2:30 to 3:30 to teach an ELEX 3521 lecture.

 This swap is only for one pair of lectures that one week.  The rooms and times will remain the same.  Only the instructor and the material taught in those lecture slots will change.

Midterm Exam (NOTE EXAM LOCATION: NE1-242)

The midterm exam on February 15 will be held in NE1-242, not in the usual SE6-208 lecture room.  The exam is from 11:30 AM to 1:20 PM.

Midterm Exam Marks

The probability distribution of the midterm exam marks is shown below:

(Yet Another) Lecture Swap with ELEX 3521

On Thursday, March 9, Yousry Abdelhamid will use the ELEX 3525 slot in SW3-4785 from 2:30 to 3:30 to teach an ELEX 3521 lecture.

On Tuesday, March 21, Ed Casas will use the ELEX 3521 slot in SE6-206 from 8:30 to 9:30 to teach an ELEX 3525 lecture.

This swap is only for one pair of lectures that one week.  The rooms and times will remain the same.  Only the instructor and the material taught in those lecture slots will change.

Office Hours for Thursday March 9

Unfortunately, I need to cancel office hours this Thursday (March 9) due to an overlapping meeting.

I can be in my office any time on Friday after 10:30.  Please let me know (by e-mail) if you would like to meet and what time is convenient for you.

You can also ask questions on the (much underutilized) course discussion forum

Due Date for Lab 7 Report

The due date for the Lab 7 report has been changed to the Monday following the Spring Break (Monday, March 20).

If necessary, you can complete the measurements for this lab during proctored lab hours.  The components are in the parts boxes in the cabinets on the left as you enter the lab.

Lecture Room Changes

For the second half of the term the lecture rooms will change as follows:

Tuesday    9:30 SW1-3195
Wednesday 12:30 NE1-403
Thursday 2:30 SW1-2020

Lecture during Lab on Thursday March 23

On Thursday, March 23 we will have a two-hour lecture during the scheduled lab time to cover the material required for the next lab (CRCs and Ethernet).

Come to the lab (SW1-3575) but hopefully we will find a better room for the lecture.

Lecture for Wednesday, April 12 Cancelled

We will postpone the review lecture scheduled for 12:30 PM on Wednesday, April 12 until Thursday at 2:30 PM.  This will give students additional time to prepare for their MATH 3433 exam that is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon.

Office Hours for Exam Week

I will be in my office (SW1-3061) on:

to answer questions.

Please check your marks

All marks except the final exam have now been entered.  Please check your marks and let me know if you have any questions.

Congratulations, everyone passed.

The final exam has been marked and all marks entered. Everyone passed.

Please check your marks and let me know if you have any questions.  I can scan and e-mail you  a copy of your exam or you can ask questions during office hours.

The distributions of the final exam marks and of the final marks are shown below.