The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of marked items (1
mark each).


Lab 1 Pre-Lab (3)

- cover page information
- correct sum of digits
- C program listing

Lab 1 Report (4)

- hexedit screen capture
- audacity screen capture
- scope screen capture
- C program listing

Lab 2 Pre-Lab (3)

- 1. high >+5V
- 2. for DTE, RXD data is the input (pin3 on 25-pin connector)
- reasonable C program

Lab 2 Report (3)

- teraterm screen capture with name
- 'scope screen capture with waveform
- copy of code

Lab 3 Pre-Lab (3)

- C and L specifications for Cat 5 (52pF/m, 0.5uH/m)
- min/max
- a spreadsheet

Lab 3 Report (3)

- package letter
- table with calculated values
- comparison with published values

Lab 4 Pre-Lab (3)

- factor is 1.41
- gain is V/6
- sweep rate is 3/(14*f)

Lab 4 Report (3)

- low-pass
- ~30kHz bandwidth
- attached spreadsheet (.xls)

Lab 5 Pre-Lab (3)

- Q2(a): -0.6+0.6 = 0 V average
- Q3: 	 accuracy specified to 100 kHz
- Q4(b): 10/256 = 40mV

Lab 5 Report (3)

- 3 (unique) waveform plots
- sine and noise histograms
- table comparing RMS measurements

Lab 6 Pre-Lab (3)

- q1: random numbers
- q4: converts to a column vector
- q8: 100 kb/s

Lab 6 Report (3)

- three screen captures
- plot comparing spectra
- frequency of first null = 100kHz for NRZ, 200kHz for Manchester

Lab 7 Pre-Lab (3)

- 1: schematic
- 2(d): voltage doubler, voltege inverter
- 6: 30V/us

Lab 7 Report (3)

- reasonable mark/space voltages (~9V)
- reasonable output impedance measurement (>300 ohm)
- slew rate measurement (reasonable data and result <30V/us)

Lab 8 Pre-Lab (4)

- includes preamble
- correct source & destination addresses
- includes name in data field
- includes a checksum

Lab 8 Report (4)

- screen capture at start and end of frame showing differential
  voltage about +/- 0.5V
- wireshark screen capture showing your name
- correct preamble frequency


Assignment 1 (8)

Q1: 600 Hz, 10 bits (2)
Q2: minimum 1, maximum 2 16-bit values (2)
Q3: 169 km (1 for equation, 1 for answer)
Q4: 112 or 166 ohms (")

Assignment 2 (4)

Q1: not suitable
Q2: THD ~37%
Q3: ~22%
Q5: 1000 x 2pi V/s

Assignment 3 (6)

Q1: amplitude ~0.38, 
    frequency = 60 Hz
Q2: 1.4 Mb/s
    400 kHz
Q4: (a) distance is 4
    (c) correct to DABC

			  Mid-Term Exam

One mark per listed item unless indicated; if 2 marks then one
for correct method and one for correct answer.


- binary representation
- 3 bytes
- some bytes correct
- all byte values correct


- correct binary value from ASCII table
- correct bit order
- correct start/stop/parity bit locations
- correct voltage levels and bit durations


- dielectric constant (2 marks)
- Z0 (2 marks)


- t = 2 (2 marks)
- P = 2% (2 marks)

			   Final Exam

- bit rate is 1/period
- baud rate is the same
- hex value
- yes, parity
- ascii character letter


- convert center conductor diameter from AWG to mm
- find the equation for the shield diameter
- correct shield diameter
- compute velocity and time from dielectric constant


- work out equation for P0
- correct answer for P0
- compute THD (0.5 if used wrong value but correct formula)


- correct time
- correct levels (-1, 0, +1)
- correct waveform


- CRC length = 3
- correct generator poly in binary
- correct calculation method for CRC 
- correct CRC answer


- minimum distance = 2 (2 marks)
- yes, can detect
- no, cannot correct


- (a) bits/symbol
- (a) number of symbols
- (b) yes, passes DC
- (b) LP
- (c) go-back N ARQ