Please Check Your Marks

All labs and assignments have been marked and the solutions and the marking scheme posted.

The marks and marking scheme are available from the Content -> Course Information section on the course web site. To retrieve your marks you will need your password which was handed out with your mid-term exam.

Please compare your marks against the marking scheme and your marked submissions (in the Dropbox section under Feedback -> View). The marks should reflect deductions for late submissions and absences excused with medical certificates. Let me know if you think I may have made an error in marking or in calculating your mark.

In some cases the lab completion mark is based on a report showing that the lab was substantially completed. If you completed a lab but did not hand in a report you may have received 0 for that lab. In this case submit the report and let me know. You will get credit for completing the lab but not for the report.

As explained in the course information sheet, material submitted after I download submissions (which is always well past the deadline and shortly before solutions are posted) will not be marked.

The statistics for the Assignments, Labs and Midterm are shown below. The Final Mark statistics do not include the Final Exam.

Assignments Labs Midterm (/10) Final
minimum 6% 6% 5 30%
average 14% 16% 8.8 50%
median 15% 17% 9.0 48%
maximum 16% 19% 10 55%

The password to look up your marks is pasted to the inside front cover of your midterm.

Midterm Results

The mid-term marks ranged from 5 to 10 with a median of 9 and mean of 8.8. You can retrieve your marks from the Content / Course Information / Marks file using the decryption key (password) supplied along with your mid-term exam.

Midterm Exam

The mid-term exam will be held on Wednesday March 11 from 10:30-11:20 AM in the regular lecture room (SE12-307).

It will cover material up to, and including Lecture 4 - Asynchronous Serial Interfaces.

It will be open-book and calculators are allowed. Laptops, tablets, cell phones and anything else that can send or receive a signal must be left at the front of the lecture room during the mid-term (typically in a knapsack).

Seating will be assigned and different students may be given different exams although all will be of equal difficulty.

Previous mid-terms and solutions are available from my archive of previous courses and are good practice material. The questions on this year's mid-term will be similar in difficulty.

Room Changes

Effective Week of March 16:

  Tuesday    9:30 SE12-313
  Wednesday 10:30 SW9-121
  Thursday   2:30 SE6-109

C Tutorials

Students who have no C or programming background may want to go through a C Tutorial (see Content / Course Information / C Tutorials ).