Marking Scheme

The items below were checked.  One mark was assigned for each item
unless otherwise indicated.  Deductions are shown in the comments.


                                Quiz 1


- correct bit rate
- correct information rate
- lowest data rate == information rate

information rate should not be rounded: -0
information rate is in bits/message: -0.5
each message is 2 bits: -0.5
retain more digits in your calculations: -0
you reversed the nybbles, not the bits: -1


- correct byte order
- correct bit order


- start and stop bits
- correct bit order
- correct bit values (and polarity)
- correct parity
- correct voltages and bit duration

Typical Comments:
wrong bit order: -1
missing start and/or stop bit: -1
missing/wrong parity bit: -1
voltages/time wrong or missing: -1
wrong bit polarity: -1
wrong number of bits: -1

                                Quiz 2

Q1: -1 mark per incorrect transition

Q2: -1 mark per extra or omitted byte

Q3: -1 mark per wrong answer

                              Quiz 3 (9)

Q1 (3)
- ISI-free symbol rate from bandwidth
- bits per symbol from number of levels
- correct answer
Typical Comments:
1 see solutions: -3
2 wrong symbol rate: -1

Q2 (1)
- correct answer
Typical Comments:
1 use difference if Eb/No in dB: -1

Q3 (2)
- use of Shanon capacity for AWGN
- correct answer
Typical Comments:
1 S/N should be in linear units: -1
2 no or wrong answer: -1
3 see solutions: -2

Q4 (3)
- one mark per correct answer


Pre-Lab 1 (3)

- Q1: square wave rms voltage
- Q4: frequency range for AC voltage on 20V range
- Q5(b): resolution for 12-bit ADC with 20V input range = 20V/4096

Lab 1 (6)

- cover page
- plots of samples
- three histograms
- three 'scope screen captures
- table of measurements
- correct explanation of discrepancies

Pre-Lab 2 (4)

- sum of digits
- table showing correct voltage levels for each bit
- voltage waveform
- correct sample period

Typical Comments:
The ratio of sampling rate to bit rate is specified in the lab notes: -1

Lab 2 (3)

- sum of digits in ID
- correct computation of sample period and sample rate
- screen capture of decoded waveform

Typical Comments:
missing/incorrect calculation of sample period and sample rate: -1

Pre-Lab 3 (2)

- levels 
- connect AWG output to on a DTE

Typical Comments:
levels at the transmitter should be greater than +5 or less than -5: -1
on a DTE RxD (Receive Data) is the input: -1
lab asks for pin name, not number: -1

Lab 3 (3)

- Octave waveform plot
- 'scope screen capture with decoding showing name
- Teraterm screen capture

Pre-Lab 4 (3)

- rand return value (random numbers)
- > operator returns (0 and 1)
- . is the transpose operator (swaps rows & columns, result in [ 1 1 1 ; 0 0 0 ]  )

Lab 4 (3)

- 3 scope screen captures
- one plot of three computed spectra in dB
- table of values with 4 values per line code (

Typical Comments:
1 missing or incorrect values in table: -0.5

Pre-Lab 5 (3)

- Q5: Rin=3 to 7 kOhm, Rout=300 Ohm
- Q6: slew rate = 3 typical to max 30 V/us (instantaneous) 
- Q9: Rin = 1k * (10/(15-10)) = 2k

Typical Comments:
1 no answer: -1
2 math error: -1

Lab 5 (4)

- output voltage measurement: 1
- output impedance measurement: 1
- slew rate measurement screen capture & comparison to spec: 1
- input impedance measurement: 1

Typical Comments:
1 no comparison to specification: -0.5
2 missing measurement: -1

                                Lab 6 (2)

- descrambler schematic
- correct waveforms

                                Lab 7 (5)

- a spreadsheet (in the PDF)
- two flowgraphs
- a GUI screen capture
- a BER plot with two curves
- coding gain calculations

Typical Comments:
1 no spreadsheet in report: -1
2 no coding gain calculations: -1
3 values in dB should be subtracted: -1
4 no GUI screen capture: -1
5 no BER plot in report: -1

                               Lab 8 (6)

- test board number
- list of script with changes
- measured transfer function gain & phase (2)
- k = 1.166 (or 1.172 for 29 increments)
- sweep rate = 4/f/14 = 0.28/f

Typical Comments:
1 missing board number: -1
2 missing program listing: -1
3 value of k missing/wrong: -1
4 value of sweep rate missing/wrong: -1
5 arithmetic error: -0.5
6 no plot in report: -1

Lab 9 (5)

- hexedit screen capture with name and all fields correct
- scope screen capture showing single-ended and differential voltages
  at start of frame
- Wireshark screen capture
- preamble waveform frequency
- Wireshark does not show preamble or CRC

1 no/incorrect contents of frame: -1
2 no/incomplete 'scope screen capture: -1
3 no/incomplete Wireshark screen capture: -1
4 no/wrong answer to question: -1
5 screen capture 

                         Midterm Exam 1 (12)


- one mark per correct answer


- one mark per correct answer


- correct bit and baud rates
- correct character value in hex (2)
- correct parity


- correctly dividing the UTF-8 sequence
- code point for first character
- code point for second

                            Midterm Exam 2


- -3 if didn't use differential decoding
- -1 per error (up to 2)

Typical Comments:
1 not differential Manchester: -3
2 error: -1
3 no answer: -3


- -1 per error in calculation (up to 2 errors)
- correct conclusion based on remainder

Typical Comments:
1 wrong conclusion based on remainder: -1


- flags before & after
- correct bit-stuffing after 5
- correct bit-stuffing after 6

Typical Comments:
1 missing start/end flags: -1
2 missing bit-stuffing: -1


- correct equation
- correct result

Typical Comments
1 wrong result: -1
2 wrong equation: -1


- correct dmin
- correct number of correctable errors
- correct corrected c/w

Typical Comments
1 wrong minimum distance: -1
2 wrong number of correctable errors: -1

                              Final Exam

Q1 (3)
- information rate
- capacity
- conclusion

Typical Comments
1 arithmetic error: -0.5
2 conclusion doesn't match calculations: -0.5

Q2 (2)

- normalized threshold
- answer

1 probability not calculated: -1

Q3 (3)

- correct extraction of bits
- correct grouping into nybbles
- correct answer

* Comments:
1 error in conversion: -0.5
2 incorrect grouping of bits: -1
3 incorrect size of result: -1
4 result not in hexadecimal: -1

Q4 (4)

- correct bit values
- correct bit order
- correct bit polarity
- correct axes scales

* Comments:
1 levels at transmitter should be >+/-5: -0.5
2 wrong polarity: -1
3 wrong bit order: -1
4 wrong parity bit value: -0.5
5 voltages wrong/missing: -0.5
6 wrong units: -0.5
7 wrong conversion to binary: -1

Q5 (2)

- -1 per error

* Comments:
1 wrong bit value: -1

Q6 (2)

- correct value of m
- correct maximum 0-run length

* Comments:
1 wrong equation for m: -1
2 wrong run length: -1

Q7 (5)

- correct CRC length
- correct CRC (2)
- correct message
- correct values of k and n

* Comments:
1 error in CRC calculation: -1

Q8 (4)

- correct minimum distance
- correct detectable errors
- correct correctable errors
- correct most likely codeword

Q9 (2)

- 1 per correct voltage

Q10 (2)

- 1 per correct protocol

* Comments:
1 missing a suitable protocol: -1