The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of marked items (1 mark


                          Quiz 1 (out of 7)

Q1 (7): one mark per item below


- maximum frequency


- byte order
- bit order


- binary value
- correct field values
- final result

                          Quiz 2 (out of 6)

Q1 (4)

- correct bits (high is 0)
- correct bit order
- correct data rate
- correct DTE/DCE

Q2 (2)

- calculation of normalized threshold = -2/3
- probability ~0.25

                          Quiz 3 (out of 7)

Q1 (2)

- differential voltage = 1 V
- common-mode voltage = 2.5 or 1.5 V

Q2(a) (3)

- average signal power = 5W
- noise power = 0.18 W
- SNR (dB) ~ 27 = 14 dB (or 1/0.43 = 3.6 dB)

Q2(b) (2)

- normalized threshold ~= +/- 2.4
- P(e) ~= 1%

                          Quiz 4 (out of 7)

Q1a (3)

- correct dmin
- correct detectable errors
- correct correctable errors

Q2 (1)

- correct errored bit

Q3 (2)

- correct period
- correct duration

Q4 (1):

- correct portion of frame


Pre-Lab 1 (3)

- Q1: average and rms voltage of square wave
- Q3: plot of probability density
- Q5: voltage resolution

Lab 1 Report (5)

- cover page information
- matlab/octave plot of captured sine samples
- 'scope screen capture of noise waveform
- histogram of square wave samples
- correct DMM RMS measurement for noise

Pre-Lab 2 (3)

- correct sum of digits in ID
- waveform with correct polarity and bit order
- AWG sample rate ~48 kHz

Lab 2 (2)

- screen capture with Octave waveform
- 'scope display with (correct) decoded number

Pre-Lab 3 (2)

- values <-5 and >+5
- AWG connects to RxD

Lab 3 (3)

- Octave waveform plot
- 'scope screen capture with decoded name (partial OK)
- Teraterm screen capture

Lab 4 (4)

- three 'scope screen captures showing your waveforms,
- one plot showing the computed spectra of the three line codes in dB
- a table comparing the line codes (or organized presentation thereof)
  (2 if correct, 1 if partially correct, 0 if missing)

Lab 5 (4)

- script with errors corrected (e.g. correct name)
- correct number of steps (~20)
- reasonable data
- reasonably accurate graph

Lab 6 (2)

- correct descrambler schematic
- screep capture with correct waveform

Lab 7 (6)

- signal flow graphs (2)
- spreadsheet with reasonable predicted and measured BER values
- plot of BERs
- coding gain calculations

Lab 8 (4)

- hexedit screen capture showing student's name
- 'scope screen capture of the star of preamble
- wireshark screen capture showing student's name
- correct preamble frequency

			  Midterm Exam 1

Q1 (6)

- correct bit order
- correct bit polarities
- correct parity
- start bit
- voltages
- bit duration

Q2 (8)

- 1 marks per wrong value

			  Midterm Exam 2

Q1 (4)

- find t=2
- find BER=2%
- find two new t's and two new BERs
- find new average BER

Q2 (2)

- start and end flags
- bit stuffing


- correct bit pattern from G(x)
- correct division
- correct conclusion

			   Final Exam

 - probability of B = 43.75%
 - information per message = 1, 1.2, 4
 - entropy = 0.50 + 0.52 + 0.25 = 1.27 bits/message
 - bytes required = 2
 - correct method 
 - correct answer 62D => D8 AD 
 - find t~=+/-3,
 - find p=1E-3
 - find BER = 1E-3+1E-3 = 2E-3
 - '1' common mode: 5+0/2 = 2.5 differential: 5-0=5
 - '0' common mode: 5+0/2 = 2.5 differential: 0-5=-5
 - no (still 10-5=5 and 5-10=-5) and yes ((10+5)/2=7.5)
 - baud rate = 115.2 kHz
 - yes, parity used
 - even parity used
 - in hex: 8B
 - 10 1111 00 111 => -1 per error
 - 4V/us
 - threshold at 4V, noise margin=4V
 - correctly identify flags
 - remove stuffed bit
 - all correct bits 10111 1111
 - 4 bit CRC
 - G(x) = 10011
 - correct CRC calculation method
 - correct result = 1111
 - one mark deducted per error; maximum of 4 deducted
 - distances: 3, 4, 3; 7, 3; 3.. dmin=3
 - correct 1
 - detect 2
 - yes
 - distances= 7, 4, 3, 4 so choose 0001111
 - yes
 - 4 MHz
 - solve C = Blog2(1+S/N) => B = C/log2(1+S/N)
 - compute B = 1E6/log2(2) = 1 MHz
 - destination = 00 e0 4c 6b e4 9b
 - type field = 08 00
 - first byte of payload = 50
 - CSMA is best for bursty channel usage
 - go-back-N (0.5 for selective repeat)