The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of marked items (1
mark each).


                          Quiz 1 (out of 9)

Q1 (9):

- one mark per correct answer

                          Quiz 2 (out of 9)

                          Quiz 3 (out of 10)

Q1 (4)

- correct normalized threshold (2)
- correct probabilities
- correctly adding them

Q2 (3)

- 0.5 points per correct bit

Q3 (3)

- correct 5bit values (2)
- correct bit order

                          Quiz 4 (out of 10)

Q1: correct noise margin (2)

Q2: 1 each for method & answer for each part (4)

Q3: 2 for computing current (method, result) (2)
    2 for computing slew rate (method, result) (2)

                          Quiz 5 (out of ..)


Lab 1 Report (6)

- identification
- three waveform plots
- three scope captures
- three histograms
- table with comparison of RMS voltages (reasonably correct)
- explanation includes DMM bandwidth limitations

Lab 2 Report (4)

- calculation of sum of digits
- table showing conversion to voltage levels
- octave plot screen captures
- 'scope screen capture

Lab 3 Report (4)

- Octave waveform
- 'scope screen capture w/o decoding
- " with decoding
- teraterm screen capture with student's name

Lab 4 Report (3)

- 3 screen captures
- one plot comparing the spectra
- frequencies of first nulls

Lab 5 (2)

- graphs of amplitude and phase vs frequency
- submitted spreadsheet

Lab 6 (2)

- block diagram

- waveform with correct output

Lab 7 (5)

- two flowgraphs
- screen capture of run-time output
- spreadsheet with BER data
- plot of BER vs Eb/No
- coding gain

Lab 8 (4)

- hex file contents
- scope screen caputure at start
- wireshark screen screen capture
- correct measurement of preamble frequency

			  Midterm Exam 1

Question 1 (4)

- entropy (2)
- information rate
- data rate

Question 2 (4)

- correct bit field values (2)
- correct code point (2)

Question 3 (4)

- correct bit order
- correct levels for 0/1
- correct parity
- correct stop bit

Question 4 (3)

- computing correct normalized threshold (t) (2)
- correct error rate (1)

			  Midterm Exam 2

Question 1 (4)

- 0.5 marks per correct bit

Question 2 (2)

- 1 mark per correct voltage

Question 3 (1)

- correct answer

Question 4 (1)

- correct answer

Question 5 (4)

- flags correct: 2
- stuffed bit correct: 1
- data correct: 1

Question 5 (5)

- length: 1
- crc value: 2
- message: 2

			   Final Exam

- Question 1: (4) (entropy method, entropy result, information rate)
- Question 2: (3) (x, y, z) (one each)
- Question 3: (2) (answer, reason)
- Question 4: (4) (parity, parity value, byte value:2)
- Question 5: (3) (normalized threshold, sigma, rms voltage)
- Question 6: (4) (7 bits * 1/2 mark each)
- Question 7: (2) (1 for each voltage)
- Question 8: (1) (answer)
- Question 9: (1) (answer)
- Question 10: (3) (flags:1, escape:1, xor:1)
- Question 11: (3) (remainder:2, error:1)
- Question 12: (4) (dmin:2, detect:1, correct:1)
- Question 13: (2) (n=13, 8191)
- Question 14: (2) (method, value)
- Question 15: (2) (method, value)
- Question 16: (2) (method, value)
- Question 17: (3) (one per)
- Question 18: (1) (answer)
- Question 19: (1) (answer)