The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of marked items (1
mark each).


Lab 1 Pre-Lab (3)

- q1a: rms voltage of square wave is 1.5x
- q3a: average voltage is 0.2
- q5a: 1024 levels for 10-bit ADC

Lab 1 Report (4)

- three waveform plots
- three histograms
- table with comparison of RMS voltages (reasonably corrent)
- explanation includes DMM bandwidth limitations

Lab 2 Pre-Lab (4)

- calculation of sum of digits
- drawing of waveform with correct bit polarities
- correct computation of sample period and rate
- C program (any reasonable attempt)

Lab 2 Report (4)

- screen captures x3
- listing

Lab 3 Pre-Lab (3)

- AWG levels >+/- 5V
- pin is rxd (must specify a name)
- correct bit rate from sample rate
- a reasonable listing

Lab 3 Report (3)

- screen capture with name
- 'scope capture
- corrected C code listing

Lab 4 Pre-Lab (2)

- 2(f): 5V
- 8: 2k

Lab 4 Report (4)

- mark/space voltages & screen capture
- reasonable output impedance measurement
- screen capture showing slew rate

Lab 5 Pre-Lab (3)

- schematic w/ enable
- differential output
- 1/(10*20ns) = 5 Mbps

Lab 5 Report (3)

- mark and space voltages
- differential waveform
- slew rate

Lab 6 Pre-Lab (3)

- rand() - type of return
- > result type
- .' operator

Lab 6 Report (3)

- 3 screen captures
- one plot comparing the spectra
- frequencies of first nulls

Lab 7 Pre-Lab (2)

- a listing of a modified C program
- vertical gain of V/6

Lab 7 Report (4)

- program listing
- graphs of amplitude and phase vs frequency
- submitted spreadsheet

Lab8 Pre-Lab (2)

- spreadsheet
- with calculated values

Lab 8 Report (5)

- flowgraphs
- waveform screen captures
- spreadsheet
- plot with two curves
- correctly calculated coding gains

Lab 9 Pre-Lab (1)

- reasonable hex screen capture

Lab 9 Report (4)

- hexedit screen capture
- scope screen capture showing differential waveform
- wireshark screen capture showing name
- correct preamble frequency


Assignment 1 (10)

Only the following were marked:


(a) ~4 bpp
(b) 488 Mb/s


(a) a character and (b) a 2-byte U+ code point 


(a) a histogram with two values
(b) a center-weighted histogram
(c) normal (Gaussian) distribution


(a) 144 dB
(c) 96 kHz


(a) 2 bits/symbol
(e) baud rate = 1kHz

Assignment 2 (11)


(a) uniform pdf
(b) pdf = 5V
(d) 10%


(a) 512 (or 511) patterns
(b) 1 pattern (or 0)
(c) 9 patterns


(a) peak = sqrt(2)*10A*1ohm=14.1V
(b) an answer that is consistent with (a)


(a) X=1, Y=0


(a) 1/2
(d) 5ms

Assignment 3 (9)

(a) 2/3 or .64
(b) yes (or no with reasoning)
(c) yes

(a) 1 bit
(b) 0
(c) 1 (or 2 if include MS bit that is always 0)
(e) XOR
(f) even

(a) 2 MHz

			  Midterm Exam 1

Question 1

- correct bit order
- correct bit polarities
- correct parity
- start bit
- voltages
- bit duration

Question 2

- probabilities of B and C
- correct formula for computing entropy
- correct answer

			  Midterm Exam 2

Question 1

- 1 for each correctly-encoded bit

Question 2 

- computing sigma
- computing t
- finding P(t)
- finding BER

			   Final Exam
Marks assigned as follows (total of 33):

Question 1 (5):

- bit values
- bit order
- hex value
- character
- parity

Question 2 (4):

- encoded bits (2 marks: 4 * 0.5)
- additional bits (2 marks: 4 *  0.5)

Question 3 (4):

- CRC length
- division set up correctly
- correct method
- correct answer

Question 4 (3):

- compute normalized threshold
- look up CDF value
- compute probability

Question 5 (3):

- ignore leading bits
- correct number of bits
- remove bit-stuffing

Question 6 (3):

- Dmin
- detectable errors
- correctable errors

Question 7 (4):

- correct SNR
- convert SNR to linear units
- use correct formula
- correct answer

Question 8 (7):

- answer: DCE
- answer: Yes, asserted.
- answer: 25 or 16 V/us
- answer: 7 or 5 V
- answer: 4 V
- answer: 2047 or 1023 (2 marks)