
Midterm Exam


Will be on Monday October 29 and Wednesday October 31 during our regular lectures (50 minutes).  The exam is in two parts (most likely two questions in each part).

Lab 6 Reports


The assignment dropbox for the Lab 6 report was inadvertently configured to only allow one file to be uploaded.  This has been corrected so that you can now upload both the report (in PDF format) and the spreadsheet (in .xls format).  The spreadsheet is required so that I can verify that your measurements are original.  Sorry for the confusion.

Change to Friday Office Hours


They will now be from 10:30 to 11:20 AM and 1:30 to 3:20 PM.

Corrections to Assignment 2


Question 1: should say that the noise has a voltage of 150mVrms rather than a power of 150mVrms.

Question 2: note that bits are transmitted least-significant-bit first when using HDLC framing.  This is the same bit order as for asynchronous serial interfaces (and the opposite of what I showed in the examples).

Assignment 2 deadline extended to Tuesday, November 13


By popular demand.

Final exam scheduled for Thursday, December 13 at 13:00


The final exam schedule has been posted and the ELEX 3525 exam will be on Thursday Dec 13th from 13:00 to 16:00 in SW9 122.

The final exam will be a 3-hour n open-book exam (but no electronic devices other than calculators will be allowed).

Files to submit for lab 8 pre lab


The permissions for the lab 8 prelab dropbox only allowed one file to be submitted.

The lab instructions ask for both a PDF  and an xls or xlsx spreadsheet to be uploaded.

The permissions have been fixed.  Please upload the two files (as separate files, not a zip archive).

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Exam Week Office Hours


I'll be in my office on Wednesday December 12 from 3:30 to 5:30 in case you have any last-minute questions.

You can always ask questions of general interest on the course discussion form (Activities / Discussions) or ask by e-mail (if the matter is personal).

Final Marks


Congratulations, everyone passed.  The final exam, solutions and all marks have been posted.

The distribution of the final exam marks is:

The distribution of final marks is:

Let me know as soon as possible (preferably before Monday morning) if you have any questions.   I can scan and e-mail you a copy of your marked exam if you want to look it over.