The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of marked items (1
mark each).


Lab 1 Pre-Lab (4)

- correct sum of digits
- a table with correct signal level - bit value
- a waveform drawing
- a reasonable attempt at a C program

Lab 1 Report (4)

- hexedit capture
- audacity screen capture
- 'scope screen capture
- C program listing

Lab 2 Pre-Lab (4)

- high/low levels
- correct sample rate for student ID
- number of bits
- C program listing

Lab 2 Report (3)

- teraterm screen capture
- 'scope screen capture
- C program listing

Lab 3 Pre-Lab (3)

- q1: a schematic
- q4: H to output 1 (low)
- q5: 3-7k in; >300 out

Lab 3 Report (3)

- screen capture of input and output
- output impedance calculation (>300ohm)
- slew rate screen capture

Lab 4 Pre-Lab (3)

- q2: DMM: dc=1, ac=0.707
- q3: avg=0.3 + 2.1= 2.4V
- q5: (b) 20V/256 ~= 78mV

Lab 4 Report (4)

- 3 raw data plots
- 3 screen captures
- 3 histograms
- comparison table

Lab 5 Pre-Lab (3)

- rand() - type of return
- > result type
- .' operator

Lab 5 Report (3)

- 3 screen captures
- one plot comparing the spectra
- frequencies of fist nulls

Lab 6 Pre-Lab (3)

- a reasonable program
- frequency steps for 20 steps in 4 decades
- DMM is RMS, scale by 2*sqrt(2) for pk-pk

Lab 6 Report (3)

- an error-free program listing
- a graph showing amplitude and phase vs frequency
- a spreadsheet (in .xls) was submitted

Lab 7 Pre-Lab (2)

- a spreadsheet with reasonable numbers
- with graph of predicted BER

Lab 7 Report (4)

- FPGA schematic
- 'scope screen capture 
- table of values from spreadsheet
- plot with predicted and measured BER

Lab8 Pre-Lab (2)

- spreadsheet printout with appropriate columns
- submitted .xls spreadsheet

Lab 8 Report (5)

- two flowgraphs
- screen capture showing noise &c
- spreadsheet with data
- plot with two curves
- calculated coding gains (with reasonable results)

Lab 9 Pre-Lab (1)

- a screen capture of a reasonable approximation of an Ethernet
  frame in hex format

Lab 9 Report

- packet contents in hex
- Ethernet waveform ('scope screen capture)
- Wireshark capture with your name in data field
- correct preamble frequency


Assignment 1 (10)

q1: each correct answer (1018, 3234, 6264) (3)

q2: not marked

q3: each code point and letter (4)

q4: each correct answer (1E-6, 9E-6, 36E-12) (3)

Assignment 2 (7)

q1: (a) t=+/- 3.33 (1)
    (a) p=8E-4 (1)
    (b) p=4E-4 (1)

q2: 1 mark for start and end flags (1)
    1 mark for stuffed bit (1)
    1 mark for bits in the correct order (l.s.b. first) (1)

q3: a diagram including flip-flops and XOR gates for computing
    feedback (1)

Assignment 3 (11)

q1: dmin=N
    N=2 to detect 1 error (-0.5 if wrong but agrees with dmin)
    N=7 to correct 3 errors  (-0.5 if wrong but agrees with dmin)

q2: yes
    top left bit
    m^2 / ( m^2 + 2m [+1] )
    64/81 = 0.79 (-0.5 if value computed correctly with wrong formula)
q4: (a) two sequences of values
    (b) yes.
    (c) 15
    (d) same, sort of

			  Mid-Term Exam 1


- 1 for bit rate
- 1 for correct bit order
- 1 for correct bit values
- 1 for correct character
- 1 for correct parity


- 1 for number of bytes
- 1 one mark per correct byte (3)

			  Mid-Term Exam 2


- 1 mark for each correct bit (comparing bit-for-bit)


- subtracted 1 mark for each byte omitted or added

			   Final Exam
Marks assigned as follows (total of ):

Question 1:

- 1 for number of bytes (right row of table)
- 1 for correct values of x and y
- 1 for correct first byte
- 1 for correct second byte

Question 2:

- 1 for start/stop bits
- 1 for bit order
- 1 for bit polarity
- 1 for correct parity
- 1 for axis labels

Question 3:

- 1 for 3 levels
- 1 for change of level for each 1
- 1 for labelling the voltage axis

Question 4:

- find normalized threshold t=-2.5
- find correct P(x < t)
- correct answer

Question 5:

- correct equation
- correct numerical result for normalized rate
- correct information rate

Question 6:

- correct distance calculation
- correct no. errors detect
- correct no. errors correct

Question 7:

- correct source address
- correct destination address
- correct Ethertype

Question 8:

- common-mode voltage
- differential voltage
- longest run of 1's
- type of ARQ