
Welcome to ELEX 3525


Our first lecture is on Thursday, September 7.  The first labs will be the week of September 18 (Tuesday September 19 or Thursday Sept 21).

Lecture Swap with ELEX 3521


If you are taking both ELEX 3525 and ELEX 3521 (which should be everyone in both courses), you don't need to change your schedule, just show up at the regularly scheduled time and classroom.  Just be aware that:

This swap is only for one pair of lectures those two days. The rooms and times will remain the same. Only the instructor and the material taught in those lecture slots will change.

Possible Mid-Term Dates


The mid-term exam(s) will be held the week of October 23, 30 or November 6.  The possible days are Tuesdays (1:30 PM in SW1-2005) and/or Fridays (9:30 AM in SW5-1840).  We will discuss the options in class this week and settle on the date(s).

Mid-Term Exam Dates


The mid-term exam will be in two parts. Each part will be 50 minutes long and will held from 1:30 to 2:20 in SW1-2005.  The first part will be on Tuesday, October 31 and the second on Tuesday, November 7.

Spreadsheet Problems in Lab 3


I have noticed the following problems with many of the spreadsheets prepared for Lab 3:

Not using formulas.  Many students are computing values using their calculators and entering the numerical results into their spreadsheets.  The lab instruction explicitly say that your spreadsheet must use formulas for calculated values.  If you don't know how to enter a formula into a cell then now would be a good time to learn.

Not using engineering notation.  Engineering spreadsheets should format cells that display physical quantities (resistances, currents etc.) in engineering rather than scientific notation. For example a 10~kΩ resistance should be displayed as 10.0E3 rather than 1.00E4).  You can apply a custom cell format of ##0.0E+0 to
obtain engineering notation (right-click -> Format Cells -> Custom -> ##0.0E+0).

Midterm Exam Topics


The first midterm will cover Lectures 1-3.  The second will cover Lectures 4 and 5.  There will be about 2 questions per exam.

Schedule for Labs 7 and 8


Lab 7 (RS-232 transmitter/receiver) will be on November 9 & 14.  Reports are due November 21.

Lab 8 (Ethernet transmitter) will be on November 16 & 21. Reports are due November 28.

No labs currently scheduled for the weeks of November 27 or December 4 (unless one of the other labs takes an extra week).

Midterm Exams Marked


The midterm exams have been marked and the marks are available on D2L.  You'll need the password that was mailed to you earlier.

Note that Friday, November 10 is the last day to withdraw and receive a "W" (withdrew) on your transcript for 15-week ECET courses.

Updated Lab/Tutorial Schedule


Since we're a bit behind in covering the lecture material, the lab sessions scheduled for Nov 16 and 21 will be used to hold tutorials.  We will cover Framing and Ethernet.  Lecture rooms are as follows:

Thursday Nov 16 15:30 to 17:20 SW01-2016
Tuesday Nov 21 14:30 to 16:30 SW09-121

Office Hours for Exam Week


I will have office hours before the exam on Wednesday from 2:30 to 4:30 PM (or until all your questions have been answered).

As usual, you can also ask questions using the Discussions forum on the course web page.

Final Exam Marks


Congratulations! Everyone passed the course.

The final exam min/median/mean/max marks were 0/18.3/19.5/22 out of 22.

The final mark min/median/mean/max marks were 54/81/81/84/99 percent.

The distribution of final exam marks is shown below:

The distribution of the final marks is shown below:

The marks and marking scheme have been updated and should now include all items. 

Please let me know as soon as possible if I missed anything or if you have any questions about the marking.

I can e-mail you your marked exam if you want to review it.

Marks are unofficial.