The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of marked items (1
mark each).


Lab 1 Pre-Lab (4)

- first page contains name, ID, course and lab number
- a table with 0/1 bit values and voltage levels
- a waveform drawing
- a reasonably-complete C program

Lab 1 Report (4)

- hexedit, audacity and 'scope (3)
- C program listing

Lab 2 Pre-Lab (4)

q1 - output levels >+/- 5V (at transmitter)
q2 - on a DTE RxD is an input (AWG output)
q3 - baud rate = sample rate/8
code - reasonable code

Lab 2 Report (3)

- teraterm screen capture showing your name
- 'scope screen capture
- code listing

Lab 3 Pre-Lab (4)

- equations for C L and l
- cat 5 specifications for C (50pF) and L (500nH)
- min/max C values (~50 and 250pF)
- a spreadsheet

Lab 3 Report (3)

- the package number
- spreadsheet with measurement data and results
- comparison of measured to published Cat 5 C and L per meter

Lab 4 Pre-Lab (3)

- questions 2, 3 and 4 were marked

Lab 4 Report (3)

- code listing that includes a limit of 100kHz in the while() loop
- a graph of the frequency response (phase and amplitude)
- computed roll-off corresponding to graphed data (typically ~10 dB/octave)

Lab 5 Pre-Lab (3)

- q2(a)
- q3: AC voltage accuracy limit 
  (not 1 MHz; that's for frequency measurements)
- q4(a)

Lab 5 Report (3)

- .csv, .xls and .pdf files uploaded
- screen captures for 3 waveforms
- some sort of discussion about noise measurement discrepancy
  (even if the explanation was not quite right)

Lab 6 Pre-Lab (2)

- (2) applying > results in 1/0 values
- (3) matrix has 2 rows, 3 columns

Lab 6 Report (3)

- 3 screen captures for 3 waveforms
- one plot with 3 spectra
- correct frequencies of first nulls

Lab 7 Pre-Lab (2)

- (1) a reasonable (4 or 5 caps, signal/pin labels) schematic 
- (6) slew rate specification

Lab 7 Report (3)

- screen captures showing slew rate measurement
- reasonable Zin measurement result
- reasonable slew rate measurement result

Lab 8 Pre-Lab (3)

- screen capture of packet
- includes student's name
- includes CRC

Lab 8 Report (3)

- Wireshark screen capture showing name
- 2 'scope screen captures
- wireshark does not show preamble or CRC


Assignment 1 (7)

q1a calculation is a weighted sum of log2(Pi)
q1a 1.78 bits/message
q1e information rate is still 0.89 bits/s
q2 75.5 kb/s
q3 0xe1 0x94 0xa5
q4 LS 4 bits of (d) are bit-reversed MS 4 bits of (a)
q5 0x78

(Assignment 1 was originally marked out of 6 but 7 items were
marked.  The marks have been revised to reflect that 7 items were

Assignment 2 (7)

q1b - for equal Ae use 5 GHz
q1c(ii) - for equal gains use 2.4 GHz
q2a - v ~ 2.04E8 m/s
q2b - about 3.6 dB for 20 km
q3 - group delay about -5s
q4 - 5% prob of >20 
q5 - frequency is 5 MHz

Assignment 3 (5)

q1 - correct waveform
q2 - correct rate (90 MHz)
q3 - correct BER (and method)
q4 - remainder 0 (and method)
q5 - 800/100

			  Mid-Term Exam 1

Marks assigned as follows (total of 9):

a: 3 marks: correct numer of bits, correct bit polarity, correct bit order
b: 1 (if same as a)
c: 1 (if correct)


One mark for:

- use of Friis equation
- solved for distance
- computed wavelength from c and f (possibly indirectly)
- correct answer

			  Mid-Term Exam 2

One mark per correct answer (total of 8):

Q1: 5 (one each for parts a, b, and c; 2 for d)
Q2: 3 (one each for parts a, b and c)

			   Final Exam
q1: three marks for: 2 bytes, C2B5 or C386 (or a correct 3-byte
    encoding), correct bit-reversal

q2: five marks for: three marks for correct waveform (bits, bit
    order, differential encoding) two marks for correct axis
    scale (H,V)

q3: 4 marks for: use of AWGN capacity formula, solve for
    bandwidth, compute correct SNR, get correct bandwidth

q4: 2 marks: correct bytes included in frame, unescaping of flag

q5: 5 marks: minimum distance calculation, correct minimum
    distance value (d), detectable errors (consistent with d),
    correctable errors, most likely value transmitted

q6: 3 marks: one per section; any reasonable length value was
    accepted (e.g. 2, 16, 64, ...) was accepted for the length
    (but not 0x0800 or 2048 - this is the value of the type

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