Welcome to ELEX 3525

Our first lecture is on Friday, September 9.  The first labs will be the week of September 19.  Information about the course is available and a copy will be handed out at the first lecture.

Engineers Without Borders“nEWBie Session”

I've been asked to share the following:  Engineers Without Borders is having a nEWBie Session next Wednesday, Sept 14 — more information on the linked poster.

Office Hours

Day From To
Monday 10:30 12:30
Tuesday 4:30 5:30
Friday 10:30 12:30

My office is in SW1-3061, accessed through SW1-3059.  It's a good idea to let me know if you intend to come by as I may be away from my office.

Sets 3L and 3M have Monday and Friday free from 11:30 to 12:30 and Tuesday from 4:30 to 5:30.

Marks Retrieval Password

You should have received the following message in your mybcit e-mail account:

To access your ELEX 3525 marks go to:
and select the 'marks' document which will open a web page with a form.
Enter your BCIT ID (starting with A) and your password which is: «password»

This will show your mark for each of the items that will make up your final mark and your rank in the class.  Marks will appear blank until they are assigned.  If you're interested, this blog post explains why and how this works.

Demonstrating Incomplete Lab

If your lab is on Tuesday and you did not complete Lab 1 last week you may demonstrate it this week after completing Lab 2.

Lab Proctor Hours

 Lab proctor hours are as follows:

Day Time
Tuesday 4:30pm - 7:30pm
Thursday 3:30pm - 6:30pm
Saturday 2:30pm - 5:30pm


e-mail Notices from Telecom Program Head

Bob Gill, the Telecom program head, will be sending out notices related to the Telecom program, scholarships, awards, job openings, employer visits, interviews, etc.  to your my.bcit.ca e-mail addresses. These are often good opportunities; don't ignore them.

Midterm Exam Scheduling

You can vote for your preferred scheduling of the midterm exam.  The deadline for making your preferences known is Monday, October 11

Student Licenses for Matlab

This knowledge base article explains how ECET students can install MathWorks software (e.g. Matlab) on their personally-owned computers.

Midterm Exam (NOTE EXAM LOCATION: NE1-323)

The Midterm Exam will be held on Monday, October 17 from 8:30 to 10:20 in NE1-323.

Note that this not the regular classroom. NE1 is the large building on the north end of campus next to Canada Way.

The exam may include questions covering any of the material up to the end of the lecture on Tuesday, October 11 (group delay).

Midterm Exam Results

The min/median/mean/max of the midterm exam marks were 6.5, 10.4, 11 and 12 (50%, 80%, 82% and 92%).


Lab 4 and Lab 5 Submissions

Please note that for Lab 4 you need to submit both a  report in PDF format and a spreadsheet in Excel format with your data and the chart.

For Lab 5 you need to submit three files: a report in PDF format; a spreadsheet with three sheets with the histogram data, RMS calculations and histogram charts; and a .CSV file containing the raw data for the sine wave capture.

The Lab 4 and Lab 5 dropboxes have (recently) been configured to allow submission of multiple files for these two labs.  Sorry for any confusion.

Lab 7 going ahead (NO New version of Lab 7)

Update: There are enough differences between the ELEX 3521 and ELEX 3525 versions of the MAX-232 lab to make it worth doing both. Thus we will do Lab 7 next week as scheduled.  Please submit your pre-lab as scheduled.

Since RS-232 line drivers are being covered in ELEX 3521, I will distribute a new version of Lab 7 on Friday that deals with differential line drivers and receivers (e.g. for RS-422/485).  The pre-lab portion, if any, will be short.

Final Exam

The ELEX 3525 final exam has been scheduled for Tuesday, December 13th from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM in SW1-2019.

You may be tested any of the material covered during the course.

The exam will be open-book: any written material allowed; no electronic devices other than calculators allowed.

Procedures outlined in the "Formal Invigilation" section of Policy 5103-PR1 will be followed.

ECET Exam Schedule

The Department's exam schedule should be posted outside Kelly Voros' office (SW2-353) and outside the Department office (SW2-201).

You can also download the ECET exam schedule (PDF).

Lecture Schedule Changes For Friday November 25 and Friday December 2

On November 25 Dave Romalo will use the ELEX 3525 lecture slot from 9:30 to 10:20 for an ELEX 3521 lecture.

On December 2 I (Ed Casas) will use the ELEX 3521 lecture slot from 10:30 to 11:20 for an ELEX 3525 lecture.

The lectures will be held in the regularly scheduled classrooms (only the instructor will change).

Please check your marks

All marks except the final exam are now recorded.  Please check your marks to make sure there are no mistakes and that excused absences have been accounted for.  Please let me know (preferably by e-mail) if you have any questions or if you need the password to check your marks.

Office Hours for Monday December 12

Will start about 11 AM.

Final Exam Results

The final exam has been marked and the marks and solutions posted. 

The minimum/mean/median/maximum marks were 21, 26.8 26.5 and 33.5 respectively.

The distribution of the final exam marks is shown below.

Final Marks

Congratulations, everyone passed!

The final mark minimum/mean/media/maximum were 64, 80, 82 and 96 percent respectively.

The distribution of the final marks is shown below:

Please check all of your marks against the marking scheme and let me know if you have any questions. 

I can scan your marked final exam and e-mail it to you if you would like to review it.