The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of marked items (1 mark each).


Pre-Lab 1 (3)

Pre-Lab 2 (4)

Pre-Lab 3 (2)

Pre-Lab 4 (3)

Pre-Lab 5 (3)

Pre-Lab 6 (1)

Pre-Lab 8 (1)

Pre-Lab 10 (2)


Lab 1 (3)

Lab 2 (3)

Lab 3 (2)

Lab 4 (2)

Lab 5 (3)

Lab 6 (3)

Lab 7 (4)

Lab 8 (2)

Lab 9 (5)

Lab 10 (5)


Assignment 1

Marked out of 7.  One mark each for:

Assignment 2

Marked out of 7.  One mark each for:

Assignment 3

Assignment 4

Mid-Term Exam

The exam was marked out of 16.  One mark was assigned for each of the following:                                                                                                                      






Final Exam

Items marked for each question (1 marks per item unless otherwise indicated):

Q1 (8)

3 for splitting into individual code points (1 each)
2 for extracing correct bits from each multi-byte encoding (1 each)
2 for correct code point values
1 for identifying the ASCII value

Q2 (5)

- bit values (0x35 or 0x53)
- bit order (lsb first)
- Manchester encodings
- voltages (+/- voltage)
- time axis (100 ns/bit)

Q3 (5)

- convert dBm to W
- use Friis equation
- correct wavelength
- solve for distance
- answer

Q4 (3)

- crosses fsym/2 at 0.5
- symmetrical
- linear-phase

Q5 (5)

- start flag
- end flag
- 2 escapes (1 mark each)
- data copied correctly

Q6 (3)

- correct number of CRC bits (3)
- division procedure
- result (100 for 1101 and 110 for 1101)

Q7 (3)

- correct value of t
- compute P(t)
- answer (~1%)