Marking Scheme

The items below were checked.  One mark was assigned for each item
unless otherwise indicated.

A red X indicates one mark was deducted.


Note: For any solution to be considered correct the course coding
guidelines must be followed.  No marks awarded otherwise (e.g. use of
sequential Verilog statements).

                                Lab 0

                             Lab 0: (0)

Report formatting (4, -1 for each error)
  - is a PDF file
  - has cover page with course name & number, lab number & title;
  - student name & number; date
  - headings for each section

Block diagram (5, -1 for each)
  - drawn by student, not RTL Netlist Viewer
  - legible
  - uses a multiplexer schematic symbol
  - signals and ports are labelled
  - bus widths (for a, b, y) are marked

Corrected code (5, -1 for each)
  - has comments at top with correct information (file name, purpose,
    author's name & date)
  - consistent indentation
  - changed wire and reg to logic
  - changed always to always_ff
  - single assignment in always_ff

Screen captures (-1)
  - includes a compilation report
Submitted video file (3, if applicable)
  - a file, not a link (-1)
  - video plays in browser (-1)
  - properly oriented (-1)

                                Lab 1

  - block diagram (3)
  - signals labelled
  - uses multiplexers with correct inputs
  - correct literals in Verilog format (size, base & value)

- Verilog listing (2)
  - file-level comments
  - reasonable indentation (3 to 8 spaces)

- compilation report (1)

- demo (video or in lab) (4)
  - incorrect orientation (-1)
  - three correct numbers as per ID (-2 per incorrect digit)
  - no display for other keys (-1)
                                Lab 2

Cover page (1)

Verilog listing (2.5)
  - uses always_ff (1)
  - file-level comments (1)
  - proper indentation (between 3 and 8 spaces) (0.5)

Compilation Report (0.5)

Demo (video or in lab) (3)
  - correct orientation (-1 if wrong)
  - all four digits displayed and correct (-1 per incorrect digit)
  - shows both sets of 4 digits (-1 if only one)
                                Lab 3

Verilog listing (5)
  - file level comments (0.5)
  - correct indentation (0.5)
  - uses always_ff (1)
  - scans from bottom row (1110) to top (0111) (2)
  - stops scanning if any button pressed (1)

Compilation report (0.5)

Video/Demo (6.5)
  - subtract 1 mark for wrong display orientation in the video
  - subtract 1 mark for not testing letters (A-D)
  - subtract 2 per wrong digit
  - subtract 1 mark if * not right digit
  - subtract 1 mark if # not right digit

                              Lab 4 (12)

Report (3)
  - cover page (0.5)
  - correctly calculated button, frequency and duration (1)
  - block diagram matching the submitted Verilog listing (hand drawn)
  - block diagram (as produced by Quartus RTL netlist) (0.5)

Verilog code listing showing: (2)
    - file level heading (1)
    - correct indentation (consistent and 3-8 spaces) (1)

Compilation report (0.5)

Demo of working circuit generating (6.5)
- correct key causes a tone (0.5),
- tone starts when button pressed (not when released) (1)
- correct tone duration independent of button press duration (1)
- correct tone duration (2), and
- correct frequency (2)

                              Lab 5 (10)

- listing of the test vector file with correct student number, (2, -1
  per error)
- listing of DUT .sv file (2, 1 if incorrect indentation or missing
  file-level comments)
- listing of testbench .sv file (1, 0.5 if incorrect indentation or
  missing file-level comments)
- screen capture of simulation waveforms (1)
- screen capture of testbench transcript (1)
- correct results (3; -1 per mismatch)

                              Lab 6 (9)

- correct calculation of the required output voltage (1)
- listing of Verilog code for the spi module meeting course
  requirements (comments and indentation, 1)
- compilation report (1)
- screen capture of the spi module schematic (not the top-level lab6
  schematic) (1)
- demo or video of the correct voltage output (5)
                              Lab 7 (10)

- A description of what happens at TP1 when you ground TP2 (1)

- A description of what happens when you switch the pull-up on TP3
  from 5~V to 3.3~V (1)

- A screen capture showing the cursor and 'scope measurement results
  for the threshold voltages (1)

- Screen captures showing the cursor and 'scope measurement results
  for the rise and fall times (2)

- Screen captures showing the cursor and 'scope measurement results
  for the low and high pulse widths (2)

- Demo of circuit to instructor in the lab (3)

- If you did not demo the lab during the assigned lab session (-1)

                              Lab 8 (8)

- listing of Verilog code (indentation & file-level comments) (1)
- compilation report (1)
- RTL netlist diagram (from Quartus) (1)
- table with hex ADC result, DMM voltages & error (2, 1 marks if <4
  values or missing column)
- demo (3, -1 if not full range shown, -2 if only shows ADC or only
  shows DMM)
                                Quiz 1

Q1 (3 marks)

- keywords and syntax
- input
- output

Q2 (3 marks)

- length
- base
- value

Q3 (5 marks)

- one mark per fully correct answer; no part marks

Q4 (4 marks)

- correct type of statement & syntax
- correct control signal or clock
- correct input(s)
- correct output

                              Quiz 2 (7)

Q1 (5)

- correct max length (5 - the sequence includes the 0's)
- correct min length (4)

[Due to the difficulty of the question, the details of the state
transition diagram were not marked. Instead marks were awarded for:]

- a diagram with three or more states

- three or more correct transitions (transitions where `in' is
  compared to an array were marked incorrect because `in' is a scalar)

- there are three or more states and the out (or out_n) is 1 (or 0)
  for one or more plausible end-of-sequence state(s)

Q2 (2)

- correct logic level (or H or L; not 0 or 1 or T or F)
- correct value (0 or 1'b0 or 1 or 1'b1; not T or F or H or L)

                                Quiz 3 (7) Q1 (1 marks)

- result and justification

Q2 (2 marks)

- correct method
- correct result

Q3 (2 marks)

- correct method
- correct result

Q4 (2 marks)

- correct result
- plausible justification

                            Midterm Exams
                              Midterm 1

Q1 (2)

- correct syntax
- correct values

Q2 (2)

- correct number of bits
- correct starting value

Q3 (4)

- ymod module declaration
- temporary signal declaration
- instantiation of ex63 module
- an assign or always_ff statement

Q4 (4)

- line(s) for reset (1)
- lines for other transitions (3)

Q5 (4)

- labelled states
- reset transitions
- other transitions (2)


                              Midterm 2


- always_ff
- correct reset
- correct switch to 010
- correct switch to 001
- correct output


- one mark per correct answer


- module declaration with name, inputs and outputs
- declaration of internal signal (if used)
- instantiation of two quad modules
- correct signal-to-port mappings

- subtract 0.5 marks for minor syntax errors


- one mark for each of the required features

- 0 deducted for minor syntax errors (e.g. using == instead of =)

- 0.5 deducted in each part for each minor error, for example:
  - always inside an initial block or wait/if/assignment outside of
    initial or always
  - missing begin/end
  - wrong clock period (if a clock was used)
  - not adding n+1 to n

- no marks awarded in a section if more than one minor error


- used correct waveform
- correct value

                              Final Exam


- module declaration (1)
- parameter declaration (1)
- three conditional operators (1)
- four expressions involving A (and B) (2)
- register (1)


- one mark per correct answer (must have correct length and value)


- correct choice of MISO or MOSI
- correct SS duration
- correct phase of sclk vs data
- correct data values
- correct data bit order


- noise margins
- correct operation


- clock period
- use of maximum propagation delay
- computing slack
- conclusion


- one mark per correct answer


- 3 ports
- 2 muxes
- a 16-bit register


- one mark per correct answer (the value should be within half a


- one per correct transition
- -1 per incorrect transition