Analog Testing
This section describes the analog testing capabilities of UBC VLSI Lab's VXI
Test System. The HP E1401A High-Power Mainframe in the VLSI lab is equipped
with two VXI modules for testing analog ICs:
- HP E1445A Arbitrary Function Generator (AFG)
- HP E1430A Digitizer
Both modules are controlled by sending SCPI commands over the HP-IB interface.
As with digital testing, a VEE program is used to do this. However, there is
no test development software to setup analog tests. All commands must be
manually entered into VEE direct I/O objects. Each module also has a unique
VEE object (similar to the load file object of the HP 75000 D20) to perform
some common setup tasks and issue common commands. The following subsections
describe the features of each of the module listed above.
HP E1445A Arbitrary Function Generator (AFG)
The HP E1445A is a function generator that can output standard waveforms such
as sine, square, and triangle waves. The following is some of its features:
- 1 channel output with BNC connector
- Output Amplitude Range:
0.32374 - 10.2375 Volts p-p into 50 or 75 ohms
0.64748 - 20.475 Volts p-p into open circuit
- DC offset:
waveform peak volts > 1.02486 V => +/- 5.5 V into 50 or 75 ohms
waveform peak volts < 1.02486 V => +/- 1.1 V into 50 or 75 ohms
waveform peak volts > 2.04972 V => +/- 11 V into high impedance load
waveform peak volts < 2.04972 V => +/- 2.2 V into high impedance load
- Output Frequency Range:
Sine wave => 0.01 Hz - 10.73741824 MHz
Square wave => 0.0025 Hz - 2.68435456 MHz
Triangle wave => 0.0001 Hz - 107.3741824 kHz
HP E1430A Digitizer
The HP E1430A is an analog to digital converter and the following is some of
its features:
- 1 channel input with BNC connector
- 50 ohm input impedance
- 3 input modes: DC coupled, AC coupled, grounded
- Input range: +/- 8 V
- Resolution: 23 bits signed
- 10 MHz sampling frequency