Babak Hamidzadeh (Ph.D., Minnesota, 1993)

Associate Professor,
Canada Research Chair of Information Technology &

Research Fellow of BC Advanced Systems Institute
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
The University of British Columbia


Overview of Research

Our group conducts research in three main areas as follows:


Below is a list of selected publications in our group:


  1. T.P. To and B. Hamidzadeh, “Interactive Video-On-Demand Systems: Resource Management and Scheduling Strategies.” Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.


  1. S. Rostami, B. Hamidzadeh, “Optimal Scheduling Techniques for Cluster Tools with Process-Module and Transport-Module Residency Constraints.” Conditionally accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, as a regular paper.
  2. S. Rostami, B. Hamidzadeh, and D. Camporese, “An Optimal Periodic Scheduler for Dual-Arm Robots in Cluster Tools with Residency Constraints.” Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, as a regular paper.
  3. B. Hamidzadeh and T.P. To, "Prioritized Admission Strategies to Improve User-Perceived Performance in Interactive VOD Servers." International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol. 13, No. 1, January 2001, pp. 5-34.
  4. B. Hamidzadeh, L.Y. Kit, and D.J. Lilja, "Dynamic Task Scheduling using On-Line Optimization." IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 11, No. 11, November 2000, pp. 1151-1163.
  5. T.P. To, and B. Hamidzadeh, "Run-time Support for Heterogeneous Media Access in a Hypermedia Server." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2000, pp. 49-61.
  6. M. Maode, B. Hamidzadeh, and M. Hamdi, "An Efficient Message Scheduling Algorithm for WDM Lightwave Networks." Journal of Computer Networks, Elsevier Science Publishers, Vol. 31, No. 20, September 1999, pp. 2139-2152.
  7. B. Hamidzadeh, M. Maode, and M. Hamdi, "Efficient Sequencing Techniques for Variable-Length Messages in WDM Networks." IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 17, No. 8, August 1999, pp. 1309-1319.
  8. M. Maode, B. Hamidzadeh, and M. Hamdi, "Efficient Scheduling Algorithms for Real-Time Service on WDM Optical Networks." Photonic Network Communications Journal, Kluwer Academic Publishsers, Vol. 1, No. 2, August 1999, pp. 161-178.
  9. B. Hamidzadeh, Y. Atif, and K. Ramamritham, "To Schedule or to Execute: Decision Support and Performance Implications." Journal of Real-Time Systems, Vol. 16, No. 2/3, May 1999, pp. 281-313.
  10. M. Hamdi, Y. Pan, B. Hamidzadeh, and F.M. Lim, "Parallel Computing on an Ethernet Cluster of Workstations: Opportunities and Constraints." The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 13, No. 2,  March 1999, pp. 111-132.
  11. B. Hamidzadeh and T.P. To, "Dynamic Scheduling Techniques for Interactive Hypermedia Servers." IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 45, No. 1, February 1999, pp. 46-56.
  12. T.P.J. To and B. Hamidzadeh, "Dynamic Real-Time Scheduling Strategies for Interactive Continuous Media Servers." ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, March 1999, pp. 91-106.
  13. B. Hamidzadeh, and Y. Atif, "Dynamic Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks, by Assignment." IEEE Concurrency: Parallel, Distributed & Mobile Computing, Vol. 6, No. 4, October-December 1998, pp. 14-25.
  14. B. Hamidzadeh, D. Lilja, and Y. Atif, "Dynamic Scheduling Techniques for Heterogeneous Computing Systems." Journal of Concurrency: Practice and Experience, Vol. 7, No. 7, October 1995, pp. 633-652.
  15. B. Hamidzadeh and S. Shekhar, "Specification and Analysis of Real-Time Problem Solvers." IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 8, August 1993, pp. 788-803.
  16. S. Shekhar, B. Hamidzadeh, Ashim Kohli, Mark Coyle, "Learning Transformation Rules for Semantic Query Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach." IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 6, December 1993, pp. 950-964.
  17. S. Shekhar and B. Hamidzadeh, "Evaluation of Real-Time Problem Solvers in Dynamic Environments." International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Vol. 2, No. 4, December 1993, pp. 459-484.
  18. B. Hamidzadeh, and S. Shekhar, "DYNORAII: A Real-Time Planning Algorithm." International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Vol. 2, No. 1, March 1993,  pp. 93-115.


  1. S. Rostami and B. Hamidzadeh, “An Optimal Scheduling Technique Using a Buffer Module for Dual-Arm Cluster Tools with Process-Module and Transport-Module Residency Constraints.” Under review for publication in proc. 2001 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium.
  2. S. Rostami and B. Hamidzadeh, “Scheduling Techniques for Multiple-Route Dual-Arm Cluster.” Under review for publication in proc. 2001 SEMATECH & SEMI Advanced Equipment Control & Advanced Process Control (AEC/APC) Symposium.
  3. A. Arya, B. Hamidzadeh, “TalkingFace: Using Facial Feature Detection and Image Transformations for Visual Speech.” Accepted for publication in proc. 2001 IEEE Int. Conference on Image Processing.
  4. S. Rostami and B. Hamidzadeh, “An Optimal Scheduling Technique for Dual-Arm Cluster Tools with Buffer Modules.” Accepted for publication in proc. 2001 IEEE Int. Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics.
  5. A. Nasiri, B. Hamidzadeh, and F. Kossentini, “Effects of Sampling Rate and Pose Error on Volume Reconstruction by Space Carving.” Accepted for publication in proc. 2001 IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia.
  6. A. Arya, B. Hamidzadeh, “A Personalized Talking/Moving Head Presentation Using Image-based Transformations.” Proc. Internatioanl Conference on Augmented Virtual Environments and their Three Dimensional Imaging, ICAV3D, May 2001.
  7. S. Rostami, B. Hamidzadeh, and D. Camporese, “Optimal Scheduling Techniques for Cluster Tools with Process-Module and Transport-Module Residency Constraints” Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 2001.
  8. S. Rostami, B. Hamidzadeh, and D. Camporese, “An Optimal Periodic Scheduler for Dual-Arm Robots in Cluster Tools with Residency Constraints” Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Decision and Control, Dec. 2000.
  9. A. Nasiri, B. Hamidzadeh, and F. Kossentini, “Multi-Objective Retrieval of Object Pose from Video.” Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Nov. 2000.
  10. W. Cheng, S.J.E. Wilton, and B. Hamidzadeh, “FPGA Implementation of a Prototype WDM On-Line Scheduler.” Proc. 10th Int. Workshop on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, The Roadmap to Reconfigurable Computing, FPL 2000, Aug. 2000.
  11. M. Moghaddas, and B. Hamidzadeh, "Batching Eearliest Deadline First Scheduling.” Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems (WORDS), Nov. 1999.
  12. B. Hamidzadeh, and S.K. Ng, "A Dynamic Scheduling Benchmark: Design, Implementation and Performance Evaluation." Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence , Nov. 1999.
  13. B. Hamidzadeh, and T.P. To, "Improving User-Perceived Performance of Interactive VOD Servers by Prioritized Admission Strategies." Proc. IASTED Int. Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications , Oct. 1999.
  14. D. Camporese, B. Hamidzadeh, and S. Rostami, "Residency Constrained Cluster Tool Scheduling."  Accepted for publication in the Proc. SEMATECH & SEMI Advanced Equipment Control & Advanced Process Control (AEC/APC) Symposium , Sept. 1999.
  15. T.P. To and B. Hamidzadeh, "Dynamic Optimization of Readsize in Hypermedia Servers." Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, June 1999.
  16. B. Hamidzadeh, and S. Shekhar, "Dependability of On-Line Optimization Techniques in Real-Time Applications." Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems (WORDS), Jan. 1999.
  17. M. Maode, B. Hamidzadeh, and M. Hamdi, "A Receiver-Oriented Message Scheduling Algorithm for WDM Lightwave Networks." Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Nov. 1998.
  18. M. Maode, B. Hamidzadeh, and M. Hamdi , "Efficient Scheduling Algorithms for Real-Time Service on WDM Optical Networks." Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IC3N), Oct. 1998.
  19. B. Hamidzadeh, and T.P. To, "Dynamic Scheduling Techniques for Interactive Hypermedia Servers." Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Consumer Electronics , Jun. 1998.
  20. Y. Atif and B. Hamidzadeh, "A Scalable Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Distributed Systems." Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, May 1998.
  21. B. Hamidzadeh, M. Maode, and M. Hamdi, "Message Sequencing Techniques for On-Line Scheduling in WDM Networks." Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), Nov. 1997.
  22. A. Afshar, and B. Hamidzadeh, "On-Line Search for Real-Time Problem Solving in Dynamic Environments." Proc. AAAI Workshop on On-Line Search, July 1997.
  23. T.P.J. To and B. Hamidzadeh, "Using Run-Time Information for Performance Optimization in an Interactive VOD Server." Proc. SPIE/IS&T Multimedia Computing and Networking Conference, Feb. 1997.
  24. B. Hamidzadeh and A. Afshar, "Opportunistic Behavior and Its Automatic Adjustment in Dynamic Task Domains." Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Nov. 1996.
  25. B. Hamidzadeh and Y. Atif, "Time-Controlled Dynamic Scheduling of Aperiodic Real-Time Tasks." Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Oct. 1996.
  26. T.P. To and B. Hamidzadeh, "A Greedy-but-Safe Dynamic Scheduling Strategy for an Interactive Video-On-Demand Server." Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, June 1996.
  27. Y. Atif and B. Hamidzadeh, "On-Line Optimization Techniques for Dynamic Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks." Proc. Int. Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IEA-AIE), June 1996.
  28. B. Hamidzadeh and D. Lilja, "Dynamic Scheduling Strategies for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors." Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, May 1996.
  29. B. Hamidzadeh and A. Afshar, "Adaptive Planning and Scheduling in Dynamic Task Domains." Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation, Apr. 1996.
  30. B. Hamidzadeh, and Y. Atif "Dynamic Scheduling of Real-Time Aperiodic Tasks on Multiprocessor Architectures." Proc. Hawaii Int. Conference on System Sciences, Distributed Real-Time System Minitrack, Software Technology Track, Jan. 1996.
  31. B. Hamidzadeh and S. Shekhar, "Deadline Compliance, Predictability, and On-line Optimization in Real-Time Problem Solving.", Proc. Int. Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Aug. 1995.
  32. B. Hamidzadeh, and D. Lilja "Self-Adjusting Scheduling: An On-Line Optimization Technique for Locality Management and Load Balancing." Proc. Int. Conference on Parallel Processing, Aug. 1994.
  33. S. Shekhar and B. Hamidzadeh, "Self-Adjusting Real-Time Search: A Summary of Results.", Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Tools for Artificial Intelligence, Nov. 1993.
  34. B. Hamidzadeh, and S. Shekhar, "Real-Time Routing in Dynamic Communication Networks." Proc. IEEE Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Sysetms, Apr. 1993.
  35. B. Hamidzadeh, S. Shekhar, and P. Gopinath, "A General Search Framework for Dynamic Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks." Proc. IEEE Workshop on Real-Time Operating Systems, Apr. 1993.
  36. S. Shekhar, and B. Hamidzadeh, "Evaluation of Real-Time Search Algorithms in Dynamic Worlds." Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Tools for Artificial Intelligence, Nov. 1992.
  37. B. Hamidzadeh, and S. Shekhar, "Can Real-Time Search Algorithms Meet Deadlines?" Proc. AAAI National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 1992.
  38. B. Hamidzadeh, and S. Shekhar, "DYNORA: A Real-Time Planning Algorithm to Meet Response-Time Constraints in Dynamic Environments." Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Tools for Artificial Intelligence, Nov. 1991.
  39. B. Hamidzadeh, and S. Shekhar, "Real-Time Planning: Meeting Response Time Constraints in Dynamic Environments." Proc. AAAI Workshop on Design Principles for Real-Time Knowledge-based Control Systems, July 1991.
  40. T.A. Yang, S. Shekhar, B. Hamidzadeh, and P.A. Hancock, "Path Planning and Evaluation in IVHS Databases." Proc. IEEE International Conference on Vehicle Navigation and Information Systems, April 1991.