Image guidance for robot-assisted surgery using the da Vinci system

I am involved in two projects that use ultrasound to provide real-time image guidance for robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery.  With  Profs. Robert Rohling, Purang Abolmaesumi, David Lowe, Piotr Kozlowski and Drs. Chrstopher Nguan and Larry Goldenberg we are working on augmenting the stereo vision system of the da Vinci with intra-operative ultrasound imaging. Ultrasoung imaging will also be used to register pre-operative MRI and CT images to the patient for imporved surgery guidance.

We have access to Jack, the da Vinci S system at VGH, and are the recipients of CFI funding to purchase a da Vinci system for research (see ICICS LEF grant
"Expansion of The Institute for Computing, Information, and Cognitive Systems Facilities in Biomedical Technologies, Emergency Decision-Support, and Global Communications Systems", as well as a variety of supporting imaging equipment support (C-arm, ultrasoudn machines, trackers.).