\bibitem{Chen-STEER-IJSNET2009} M.~Chen, T.~Kwon, S.~Mao, and V.~Leung, ``Spatial-temporal Relation-based Energy-efficient Reliable Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks,'' \emph{International Journal of Sensor Networks}, vol.~5, no.~3, pp. 129 -- 141, 2009 ============================================================ @article{Chen-STEER-IJSNET2009, language = {English}, copyright = {Copyright 2009, The Institution of Engineering and Technology}, title = {Spatial-temporal Relation-based Energy-efficient Reliable Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks}, journal = {International Journal of Sensor Networks}, author = {Min Chen and Taekyoung Kwon and Shiwen Mao and Leung, V.C.M.}, volume = { 5}, number = { 3}, year = {2009}, pages = {129 - 141}, issn = {1748-1279}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJSNET.2009.026361}, }