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2.4 Why Is Software Architecture Important?

Chapter 1 covered the importance of architecture to an enterprise. In this chapter, we focus on why architecture matters from a technical perspective. In that context, there are fundamentally three reasons for software architecture's importantance.

  1. Communication among stakeholders. Software architecture represents a common abstraction of a system that most if not all of the system's stakeholders can use as a basis for mutual understanding, negotiation, consensus, and communication.

  2. Early design decisions. Software architecture manifests the earliest design decisions about a system, and these early bindings carry weight far out of proportion to their individual gravity with respect to the system's remaining development, its deployment, and its maintenance life. It is also the earliest point at which design decisions governing the system to be built can be analyzed.

  3. Transferable abstraction of a system. Software architecture constitutes a relatively small, intellectually graspable model for how a system is structured and how its elements work together, and this model is transferable across systems. In particular, it can be applied to other systems exhibiting similar quality attribute and functional requirements and can promote large-scale re-use.

We will address each of these points in turn.


Each stakeholder of a software system-customer, user, project manager, coder, tester, and so on-is concerned with different system characteristics that are affected by the architecture. For example, the user is concerned that the system is reliable and available when needed; the customer is concerned that the architecture can be implemented on schedule and to budget; the manager is worried (as well as about cost and schedule) that the architecture will allow teams to work largely independently, interacting in disciplined and controlled ways. The architect is worried about strategies to achieve all of those goals.

Architecture provides a common language in which different concerns can be expressed, negotiated, and resolved at a level that is intellectually manageable even for large, complex systems (see the sidebar What Happens When I Push This Button?). Without such a language, it is difficult to understand large systems sufficiently to make the early decisions that influence both quality and usefulness. Architectural analysis, as we will see in Part Three, both depends on this level of communication and enhances it.

"What Happens When I Push This Button?"
Architecture as a Vehicle for Stakeholder Communication

The project review droned on and on. The government-sponsored development was behind schedule and over budget and was large enough so that these lapses were attracting Congressional attention. And now the government was making up for past neglect by holding a marathon come-one-come-all review session. The contractor had recently undergone a buyout, which hadn't helped matters. It was the afternoon of the second day, and the agenda called for the software architecture to be presented. The young architect-an apprentice to the chief architect of the system-was bravely explaining how the software architecture for the massive system would enable it to meet its very demanding real-time, distributed, high-reliability requirements. He had a solid presentation and a solid architecture to present. It was sound and sensible. But the audience-about 30 government representatives who had varying roles in the management and oversight of this sticky project-was tired. Some of them were even thinking that perhaps they should have gone into real estate instead of enduring another one of these marathon let's-finally-get-it-right-this-time reviews.

The viewgraph showed, in semiformal box-and-line notation, what the major software elements were in a runtime view of the system. The names were all acronyms, suggesting no semantic meaning without explanation, which the young architect gave. The lines showed data flow, message passing, and process synchronization. The elements were internally redundant, the architect was explaining. "In the event of a failure," he began, using a laser pointer to denote one of the lines, "a restart mechanism triggers along this path when …"

"What happens when the mode select button is pushed?" interrupted one of the audience members. He was a government attendee representing the user community for this system.

"Beg your pardon?" asked the architect.

"The mode select button," he said. "What happens when you push it?"

"Um, that triggers an event in the device driver, up here," began the architect, laser-pointing. "It then reads the register and interprets the event code. If it's mode select, well, then, it signals the blackboard, which in turns signals the objects that have subscribed to that event …"

"No, I mean what does the system do," interrupted the questioner. "Does it reset the displays? And what happens if this occurs during a system reconfiguration?"

The architect looked a little surprised and flicked off the laser pointer. This was not an architectural question, but since he was an architect and therefore fluent in the requirements, he knew the answer. "If the command line is in setup mode, the displays will reset," he said. "Otherwise an error message will be put on the control console, but the signal will be ignored." He put the laser pointer back on. "Now, the restart mechanism that I was talking about …"

"Well, I was just wondering," said the users' delegate, "because I see from your chart that the display console is sending signal traffic to the target location module."

"What should happen?" asked another member of the audience, addressing the first questioner. "Do you really want the user to get mode data during its reconfiguring?" And for the next 45 minutes, the architect watched as the audience consumed his time slot by debating what the correct behavior of the system was supposed to be in various esoteric states.

The debate was not architectural, but the architecture (and its graphical rendition) had sparked debate. It is natural to think of architecture as the basis for communication among some of the stakeholders besides architects and developers. Managers, for example, use it to create teams and allocate resources among them. But users? The architecture is invisible to users, after all; why should they latch on to it as a tool for system understanding?

The fact is that they do. In this case, the questioner had sat through two days of viewgraphs all about function, operation, user interface, and testing. But even though he was tired and wanted to go home, it was the first slide on architecture that made him realize he didn't understand something. Attendance at many architecture reviews has convinced me that seeing the system in a new way prods the mind and brings new questions to the surface. For users, architecture often serves as that new way, and the questions that a user poses will be behavioral. In the sidebar Their Solution Just Won't Work in Chapter 11, we describe an architecture evaluation exercise in which the user representatives were much more interested in what the system was going to do than in how it was going to do it, and naturally so. Until that point, their only contact with the vendor had been through its marketers. The architect was the first legitimate expert on the system to whom they had access, and they didn't hesitate to seize the moment.

Of course, careful and thorough requirements specifications can ameliorate this, but for a variety of reasons they are not always created or available. In their absence, a specification of the architecture often triggers questions and improves clarity. It is probably more prudent to recognize this than to resist it. In Chapter 11, we point out that one of the benefits of an architecture evaluation is the clarification and prioritization of requirements.

Sometimes such an exercise will reveal unreasonable requirements, whose utility can then be revisited. A review of this type that emphasizes synergy between requirements and architecture would have let the young architect in our story off the hook by giving him a place in the overall review session to address that kind of information. And the user representative would not have felt like a fish out of water, asking his question at a clearly inappropriate moment. Of course, he could always go into real estate.



Software architecture represents a system's earliest set of design decisions. These early decisions are the most difficult to get correct and the hardest to change later in the development process, and they have the most far-reaching effects.

The Architecture Defines Constraints on Implementation

An implementation exhibits an architecture if it conforms to the structural design decisions described by the architecture. This means that the implementation must be divided into the prescribed elements, the elements must interact with each other in the prescribed fashion, and each element must fulfill its responsibility to the others as dictated by the architecture.

Resource allocation decisions also constrain implementations. These decisions may be invisible to implementors working on individual elements. The constraints permit a separation of concerns that allows management decisions to make the best use of personnel and computational capacity. Element builders must be fluent in the specification of their individual elements but not in architectural tradeoffs. Conversely, architects need not be experts in all aspects of algorithm design or the intricacies of the programming language, but they are the ones responsible for the architectural tradeoffs.

The Architecture Dictates Organizational Structure

Not only does architecture prescribe the structure of the system being developed, but that structure becomes engraved in the structure of the development project (and sometimes, as mentioned in Chapter 1, the structure of the entire organization). The normal method for dividing up the labor in a large system is to assign different groups different portions of the system to construct. This is called the work breakdown structure of a system. Because the system architecture includes the highest-level decomposition of the system, it is typically used as the basis for the work breakdown structure, which in turn dictates units of planning, scheduling, and budget; interteam communication channels; configuration control and file system organization; integration and test plans and procedures; and even minutiae such as how the project intranet is organized and how many team picnics there are. Teams communicate with each other in terms of the interface specifications to the major elements. The maintenance activity, when launched, will also reflect the software structure, with teams formed to maintain specific structural elements.

A side effect of establishing the work breakdown structure is to freeze some aspects of the software architecture. A group that is responsible for one of the subsystems will resist having its responsibilities distributed across other groups. If these responsibilities have been formalized in a contractual relationship, changing them can become expensive. Tracking progress on a collection of tasks being distributed also becomes much more difficult.

Once the architecture has been agreed on, then, it becomes almost impossible, for managerial and business reasons, to modify it. This is one argument (among many) for carrying out a comprehensive evaluation before freezing the software architecture for a large system.

The Architecture Inhibits or Enables a System's Quality Attributes

Whether a system will be able to exhibit its desired (or required) quality attributes is substantially determined by its architecture. Chapter 5 will delve into the relationship between architectures and quality in more detail, but for now keep the following in mind:

  • If your system requires high performance, you need to manage the time-based behavior of elements and the frequency and volume of inter-element communication.

  • If modifiability is important, you need to assign responsibilities to elements such that changes to the system do not have far-reaching consequences.

  • If your system must be highly secure, you need to manage and protect inter-element communication and which elements are allowed to access which information. You may also need to introduce specialized elements (such as a trusted kernel) into the architecture.

  • If you believe scalability will be needed in your system, you have to carefully localize the use of resources to facilitate the introduction of higher-capacity replacements.

  • If your project needs to deliver incremental subsets of the system, you must carefully manage inter-component usage.

  • If you want the elements of your system to be re-usable in other systems, you need to restrict inter-element coupling so that when you extract an element it does not come out with too many attachments to its current environment to be useful.

The strategies for these and other quality attributes are supremely architectural. It is important to understand, however, that architecture alone cannot guarantee functionality or quality. Poor downstream design or implementation decisions can always undermine an adequate architectural design. Decisions at all stages of the life cycle-from high-level design to coding and implementation-affect system quality. Therefore, quality is not completely a function of architectural design. To ensure quality, a good architecture is necessary, but not sufficient.

Predicting System Qualities by Studying the Architecture

Is it possible to tell that the appropriate architectural decisions have been made (i.e., if the system will exhibit its required quality attributes) without waiting until the system is developed and deployed? If the answer were no, choosing an architecture would be a hopeless task-random selection would perform as well as any other method. Fortunately, it is possible to make quality predictions about a system based solely on an evaluation of its architecture. Architecture evaluation techniques such as the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method of Chapter 11 support top-down insight into the attributes of software product quality that is made possible (and constrained) by software architectures.

The Architecture Makes It Easier to Reason about and Manage Change

The software development community is coming to grips with the fact that roughly 80 percent of a typical software system's cost occurs after initial deployment. A corollary of this statistic is that most systems that people work on are in this phase. Many if not most programmers and designers never work on new development-they work under the constraints of the existing body of code. Software systems change over their lifetimes; they do so often and often with difficulty.

Every architecture partitions possible changes into three categories: local, nonlocal, and architectural. A local change can be accomplished by modifying a single element. A nonlocal change requires multiple element modifications but leaves the underlying architectural approach intact. An architectural change affects the fundamental ways in which the elements interact with each other-the pattern of the architecture-and will probably require changes all over the system. Obviously, local changes are the most desirable, and so an effective architecture is one in which the most likely changes are also the easiest to make.

Deciding when changes are essential, determining which change paths have the least risk, assessing the consequences of proposed changes, and arbitrating sequences and priorities for requested changes all require broad insight into relationships, performance, and behaviors of system software elements. These are in the job description for an architect. Reasoning about the architecture can provide the insight necessary to make decisions about proposed changes.

The Architecture Helps in Evolutionary Prototyping

Once an architecture has been defined, it can be analyzed and prototyped as a skeletal system. This aids the development process in two ways.

  1. The system is executable early in the product's life cycle. Its fidelity increases as prototype parts are replaced by complete versions of the software. These prototype parts can be a lower-fidelity version of the final functionality, or they can be surrogates that consume and produce data at the appropriate rates.

  2. A special case of having the system executable early is that potential performance problems can be identified early in the product's life cycle.

Each of these benefits reduces the risk in the project. If the architecture is part of a family of related systems, the cost of creating a framework for prototyping can be distributed over the development of many systems.

The Architecture Enables More Accurate Cost and Schedule Estimates

Cost and schedule estimates are an important management tool to enable the manager to acquire the necessary resources and to understand whether a project is in trouble. Cost estimations based on an understanding of the system pieces are, inherently, more accurate than those based on overall system knowledge. As we have said, the organizational structure of a project is based on its architecture. Each team will be able to make more accurate estimates for its piece than a project manager will and will feel more ownership in making the estimates come true. Second, the initial definition of an architecture means that the requirements for a system have been reviewed and, in some sense, validated. The more knowledge about the scope of a system, the more accurate the estimates.


The earlier in the life cycle re-use is applied, the greater the benefit that can be achieved. While code re-use is beneficial, re-use at the architectural level provides tremendous leverage for systems with similar requirements. Not only code can be re-used but so can the requirements that led to the architecture in the first place, as well as the experience of building the re-used architecture. When architectural decisions can be re-used across multiple systems, all of the early decision consequences we just described are also transferred.

Software Product Lines Share a Common Architecture

A software product line or family is a set of software-intensive systems sharing a common, managed set of features that satisfy the specific needs of a particular market segment or mission and that are developed from a common set of core assets in a prescribed way. Chief among these core assets is the architecture that was designed to handle the needs of the entire family. Product line architects choose an architecture (or a family of closely related architectures) that will serve all envisioned members of the product line by making design decisions that apply across the family early and by making other decisions that apply only to individual members late. The architecture defines what is fixed for all members of the product line and what is variable. Software product lines represent a powerful approach to multi-system development that shows order-of-magnitude payoffs in time to market, cost, productivity, and product quality. The power of architecture lies at the heart of the paradigm. Similar to other capital investments, the architecture for a product line becomes a developing organization's core asset. Software product lines are explained in Chapter 14, and case studies of product lines are given in Chapters 15 and 17.

Systems Can Be Built Using Large, Externally Developed Elements

Whereas earlier software paradigms focused on programming as the prime activity, with progress measured in lines of code, architecture-based development often focuses on composing or assembling elements that are likely to have been developed separately, even independently, from each other. This composition is possible because the architecture defines the elements that can be incorporated into the system. It constrains possible replacements (or additions) according to how they interact with their environment, how they receive and relinquish control, what data they consume and produce, how they access data, and what protocols they use for communication and resource sharing.

One key aspect of architecture is its organization of element structure, interfaces, and operating concepts. The most significant principle of this organization is interchangeability. In 1793, Eli Whitney's mass production of muskets, based on the principle of interchangeable parts, signaled the dawn of the Industrial Age. In the days before reliable physical measurements, this was a daunting notion. Today in software, until abstractions can be reliably delimited, the notion of structural interchangeability is just as daunting and just as significant.

Commercial off-the-shelf components, subsystems, and compatible communications interfaces all depend on the principle of interchangeability. However, there is much about software development through composition that remains unresolved. When the components that are candidates for importation and re-use are distinct subsystems that have been built with conflicting architectural assumptions, unanticipated complications can increase the effort required to integrate their functions. David Garlan and his colleagues coined the term architectural mismatch to describe this situation.

Less Is More: It Pays to Restrict the Vocabulary of Design Alternatives

As useful architectural patterns and design patterns are collected, it becomes clear that, although computer programs can be combined in more or less infinite ways, there is something to be gained by voluntarily restricting ourselves to a relatively small number of choices when it comes to program cooperation and interaction. That is, we wish to minimize the design complexity of the system we are building. Advantages to this approach include enhanced re-use, more regular and simpler designs that are more easily understood and communicated, more capable analysis, shorter selection time, and greater interoperability.

Properties of software design follow from the choice of architectural pattern. Patterns that are more desirable for a particular problem should improve the implementation of the resulting design solution, perhaps by making it easier to arbitrate conflicting design constraints, by increasing insight into poorly understood design contexts, and/or by helping to surface inconsistencies in requirements specifications.

System Architecture versus Software Architecture

Over the past 5 to 10 years, we have had many occasions to give talks on software architecture. Invariably, a question comes from the audience along the lines of "Why are you talking about software architecture? Isn't system architecture just as important?" or "What is the difference between software architecture and system architecture?"

In fact, there is little difference, as we will see. But we mostly talk about software architecture because we want to stress the crucial nature of the software decisions that an architect makes concerning overall product quality.

In creating a software architecture, system considerations are seldom absent. For example, if you want an architecture to be high performance, you need to have some idea of the physical characteristics of the hardware platforms that it will run on (CPU speed, amount of memory, disk access speed) and the characteristics of any devices that the system interfaces with (traditional I/O devices, sensors, actuators), and you will also typically be concerned with the characteristics of the network (primarily bandwidth). If you want an architecture that is highly reliable, again you will be concerned with the hardware, in this case with its failure rates and the availability of redundant processing or network devices. On it goes. Considerations of hardware are seldom far from the mind of the architect.

So, when you design a software architecture, you will probably need to think about the entire system-the hardware as well as the software. To do otherwise would be foolhardy. No engineer can be expected to make predictions about the characteristics of a system when only part of that system is specified.

But still we persist in speaking about software architecture primarily, and not system architecture. Why is this? Because most of the architect's freedom is in the software choices, not in the hardware choices. It is not that there are no hardware choices to be made, but these may be out of the architect's control (for example, when creating a system that needs to work on arbitrary client machines on the Internet) or specified by others (for reasons of economics, legal issues, or compliance with standards); or they will likely change over time.

For this reason, we feel justified in focusing on the software portion of architecture, for this is where the most fundamental decisions are made, where the greatest freedoms reside, and where there are the greatest opportunities for success (or disaster!).

- RK

An Architecture Permits Template-Based Development

An architecture embodies design decisions about how elements interact that, while reflected in each element's implementation, can be localized and written just once. Templates can be used to capture in one place the inter-element interaction mechanisms. For instance, a template can encode the declarations for an element's public area where results will be left, or can encode the protocols that the element uses to engage with the system executive. An example of a set of firm architectural decisions enabling template-based development will be discussed in Chapter 8.

An Architecture Can Be the Basis for Training

The architecture, including a description of how elements interact to carry out the required behavior, can serve as the introduction to the system for new project members. This reinforces our point that one of the important uses of software architecture is to support and encourage communication among the various stakeholders. The architecture is a common reference point.

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