2.2 Other Points of View
Software architecture is a growing but still young discipline; hence, it has no single, accepted definition. On the other hand, there is no shortage of definitions. Most of those commonly circulated are consistent in their themes-structure, elements, and connections among them-but they vary widely in the details and are not interchangeable.
The study of software architecture has evolved by observation of the design principles that designers follow and the actions that they take when working on real systems. It is an attempt to abstract the commonalities inherent in system design, and as such it must account for a wide range of activities, concepts, methods, approaches, and results. For that reason, other definitions of architecture are present in the software engineering community, and because you are likely to encounter some of them, you should understand their implications and be able to discuss them. A few of the most often heard definitions follow.
Architecture is high-level design.
This is true enough, in the sense that a horse is a mammal, but the two are not interchangeable. Other tasks associated with design are not architectural, such as deciding on important data structures that will be encapsulated. The interface to those data structures is decidedly an architectural concern, but their actual choice is not.
Architecture is the overall structure of the system.
This common refrain implies (incorrectly) that systems have but one structure. We know this to be false, and, if someone takes this position, it is usually entertaining to ask which structure they mean. The point has more than pedagogic significance. As we will see later, the different structures provide the critical engineering leverage points to imbue a system with the quality attributes that will render it a success or failure. The multiplicity of structures in an architecture lies at the heart of the concept.
Architecture is the structure of the components of a program or system, their interrelationships, and the principles and guidelines governing their design and evolution over time.
This is one of a number of process-centered definitions that include ancillary information such as principles and guidelines. Many people claim that architecture includes a statement of stakeholder needs and a rationale for how those needs are met. We agree that gathering such information is essential and a matter of good professional practice. However, we do not consider them part of the architecture per se any more than an owner's manual for a car is part of the car. Any system has an architecture that can be discovered and analyzed independently of any knowledge of the process by which the architecture was designed or evolved.
Architecture is components and connectors.
Connectors imply a runtime mechanism for transferring control and data around a system. Thus, this definition concentrates on the runtime architectural structures. A UNIX pipe is a connector, for instance. This makes the non-runtime architectural structures (such as the static division into responsible units of implementation discussed earlier) second-class citizens. They aren't second class but are every bit as critical to the satisfaction of system goals. When we speak of "relationships" among elements, we intend to capture both runtime and non-runtime relationships.
At the root of all the discussion about software architecture is a focus on reasoning about the structural system issues. And although architecture is sometimes used to mean a certain architectural pattern, such as client-server, and sometimes refers to a field of study, such as a book about architecture, it is most often used to describe structural aspects of a particular system. That is what we have attempted to capture in our definition.