The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of marked items (1
mark each).


Lab 3 (2)

- uploaded spreadsheet
- PDF spreadsheet with correct columns


Lab 1 (4)

- a plot of amplitude vs time
- a histogram of the amplitude and a fit Rayleigh
- a log-log plot of path loss vs distance
- a path loss exponent that matches the curve above

Lab 2 (6)

- GUI captures showing the four test cases (4)
  - center frequency of 222.5
  - frequency shifted to 223.5
  - longer period (narrower spacing of harmonics)
  - disabling interpolator filter (replicated spectrum)
- answers to questions (2)
  - result is sinusoid at sum of frequencies
  - period is fs/2^N

Lab 3 (6)

- two GRC flowgraphs (2)
- screen capture
- spreadsheet with correct Eb/No and BER
- plot showing BER with/without FEC
- correct calculation of coding gains

Lab 4 (2)

- reasonable code
- screen capture
(completion mark was based on demonstration in the lab)

Lab 5 (3)

- screen capture
- four spectra (N=128, nc=32, fs=1e6; N=>256; nc=>64; fs=>2 MHz)
- three reasonable explanations of how the spectra changed
  the bandwidths should be:
  1: 32/128 * 1 MHz = 250 kHz
  2: 32/256 * 1 MHz = 125 kHz
  3: 64/128 * 1 MHz = 500 kHz
  4: 32/128 * 2 MHz = 500 kHz

                              Midterm 1 (10)

Q1: (5)

- correct lambda
- correct GT, GR
- correct equation
- correct answer (2)

Q2: (5)

- normalized profile (1)
- correct excess delay (1 for method, 1 for answer) (2)
- correct delay spread (1 for method, 1 for answer)  (2)

                              Midterm 2 (9)

Q1: (4)

- correct method (2)
- correct answer (2)

Q2: (5)

- right n,k (1)
- deriving G (2)
- correct answer (2)

			   Final Exam (27)

Q1: (4)

- uses Friis equation
- correct calculation of wavelength
- correctly solves for distance
- correct answer

Q2: (2)

- correctly sets up problem
- correct answer

Q3: (3)

- uses Gaussian CDF
- correctly computes number of standard deviations
- correct result

Q4: (2)

- correct equation
- correct answer

Q5: (5)

- correct method to calculate duration
- correct duration w/o guard time
- correct duration w/ guard time
- correct bits per symbol
- correct bit rate

Q6: (6)

- correctly computes each codewords (4*0.5) = 2
- correctly computes each distance (6*0.5) = 3
- correctly finds & states dmin = 1

Q7: (2)

- correct ACP in dBm
- correct frequencies 

Q8: (3)

- use correct cascade equation
- convert noise figure and loss to linear units & back
- correct answer