ELEX 4653 Lab 5

This lab provides practice on classes and recursion.

Version 1. May 8, 2019.


  • Modify this notebook by adding the Python code described below.

  • Test your code using the menu item Cell ► Run All

  • Submit the notebook (the .ipynb file) to the appropriate dropbox on the course web site.

Question 1

Define a class bitstr that subclasses the str(ing) type. The constructor bitstr(s) takes one string argument containing only the characters '0' and '1'. This class defines the operators * and + to do logical AND and OR respectively between successive characters of two bitstr values. For example, bitstr('1100')+bitstr('1010') would result in '1110' and bitstr('1100')*bitstr('1010') would result in '1000'.

In [15]:
class bitstr(str):
    def __init__(self,s):
    def __add__(self,s):
        return ''.join(['1' if a == '1' or  b == '1' else '0' 
                        for a,b in zip(self,s)])
    def __mul__(self,s):
        return ''.join(['1' if a == '1' and b == '1' else '0' 
                       for a,b in zip(self,s)])

      bitstr("1100")+       '1010',
      bitstr("1100")*       '1010',
      '1100'        +       '1010')
1110 1000 1110 1000 11001010

Question 2

Write a recursive function named binsearch(l,s) that takes the following arguments:

  • an argument (l) of type maxlist whose elements are sorted in increasing order, and
  • a scalar argument (s)

binsearch() searches l for s and returns s if s is found in l or None if l has length zero or if s is not in l.

The maxlist type is like a list but only supports the len() function and indexing (using the [] operator). You can only access elements of a maxlist up to $\lfloor\log_2(2\times\text{len(l)})\rfloor$ times. This means your search algorithm will need to use a binary search. You do not need to write the maxlist class, it is defined in the marking code below.

Hint: mid=len(l)//2 sets mid to the index of an element an element approximately half-way in the list and you can split l into two half-length lists: l[:mid] and l[mid:]. A recursive search algorithm would decide which half the value is in and return a binsearch() of the appropriate half.

In [16]:
def binsearch(l,s):
    # print(l,s)
    if len(l) == 0: # empty list
        return None 
    if len(l) == 1: # one element left
        if l[0] == s:
            return s
            return None
    # check appropriate sub-list
    if s >= l[mid]:
        return binsearch(l[mid:],s)
        return binsearch(l[:mid],s)

In [17]:
# lab validation code; do not modify
def labcheck():

    global maxlist
    class maxlist(list):
        '''list that can only be accessed log2(len(l)) times'''
        def __init__(self,l):
        def __repr__(self):
            return repr(self.l)
        def __getitem__(self,i):
            assert self.n > 0, "Accessed too many times ."
            self.n //= 2
            return list.__getitem__(self.l,i)
        def __len__(self):
            return len(self.l)

    def q1():
        import random
        m = [0,1,2,3]
        shuf=lambda s: ''.join([s[i] for i in m])
        a,b,c,d = shuf("1100"),shuf("1010"),shuf('1110'),shuf('1000')
        e = bitstr(a)+bitstr(b)
        f = bitstr(a)*bitstr(b)
        assert c == e, "+ returns {} for {} and {}".format(e,a,b)
        assert d == f, "* returns {} for {} and {}".format(f,a,b)
    def q2():
        import random, string
        assert binsearch([],0) == None, "must return None for empty list"
        for n in (1,5,8,14):
            # print(l,c)
            f = binsearch(maxlist(l),c)
            assert f == c, f'found {f} searching for {c} in {l}'
    for i,s in ((i,'q%d'%i) for i in range(1,20)):
        if s in locals():
                print("Question {} OK.".format(i))
            except Exception as e:
                print("Failed check for Question {}: {}".format(i,e))    

Question 1 OK.
Question 2 OK.