A Whirlwind Tour of Python

Jake VanderPlas, Summer 2016

These are the Jupyter Notebooks behind my O'Reilly report, A Whirlwind Tour of Python. The full notebook listing is available on Github.

A Whirlwind Tour of Python is a fast-paced introduction to essential components of the Python language for researchers and developers who are already familiar with programming in another language.

The material is particularly aimed at those who wish to use Python for data science and/or scientific programming, and in this capacity serves as an introduction to my upcoming book, The Python Data Science Handbook. These notebooks are adapted from lectures and workshops I've given on these topics at University of Washington and at various conferences, meetings, and workshops around the world.


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That said, I request (but do not require) that if you use or adapt this material, you include a proper attribution and/or citation; for example

A Whirlwind Tour of Python by Jake VanderPlas (O’Reilly). Copyright 2016 O’Reilly Media, Inc., 978-1-491-96465-1

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