Using Synopsys Design Compiler

The process of converting a VHDL description to a hardware design is called "synthesis." We will use the "Design Compiler" program from Synopsys. You can use either the command-line interface directly ("dc_shell") or a graphical front-end ("design_analyzer").

Preliminary Steps

  1. Add the following lines to the file .cshrc.local in your home directory. They will add the Synopsys directories to your path every time you start a new shell.
    set synpath = `echo $PATH | grep synopsys`
    if ( $synpath == "" && -r /usr/common/Cshrc.synopsys ) then
      source /usr/common/Cshrc.synopsys
    unset synpath

    (then log out and back in or type exec csh to set up the paths for the first time).
  2. Create a new directory where you will put your VHDL files (the command to do this is mkdir dirname).
  3. Create a file called .synopsys_dc.setup in this new directory containing the following lines:
    designer = "NAME" ;
    company  = "UBC EE";
    search_path = { . /usr/applic/synopsys/libraries/syn };
    link_library   = { class.db }
    target_library = { class.db }
    symbol_library = { class.sdb }
    define_design_lib work -path ./WORK;
    plot_command       = "lpr -P PRINTER" ;

    Note that the period at the start of the file name makes it invisible to a normal "ls" command. You can either cut and paste the lines above or make a copy using the command
    	cp ~elec464/.synopsys_dc.setup .
  4. Edit this file and change NAME to your name and change PRINTER to the name of the printer you will be using to print out the schematics. For example, the printer in the VLSI lab is called "vp1".
  5. In the new directory create a sub-directory called WORK where the Synopsys tools will place various work files.

Using DC Shell

To run the command-line interface, use the command:
Then to read your VHDL file and check for errors (assuming it's called asg1.vhd) use the command:
	read -f vhdl asg1.vhd
If your design has syntax errors, edit the source file to correct the errors and use the read command again. To compile your VHDL description into an optimized hardware description use the command:
To create a schematic and plot it use the commands:
To get help on any command use the command help followed by the command name. For example, to find out how to send the schematic to a file instead of the printer, use the command:
	help plot

Using Design Analyzer

To run the graphical interface enter the command:
To read your file and check it for errors: If your design has syntax errors, correct the errors and repeat the previous step.

To compile into an optimized design:

To view the schematic and plot it:
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