ELEC 464 : Microcomputer System Design
Contents: [
Instructor |
Lectures |
Lecture Notes |
Office Hours |
Tutorials |
Teaching Assistants |
Web Page |
Newsgroup |
Intended Audience |
Prerequisites |
Text |
Other References |
Assignments |
Evaluation |
Objectives |
Course Outline |
Related Courses |
Ed Casas. I am normally on
campus only during lectures, tutorials and office hours. The
best way to contact me at other times is by e-mail:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:30 to 11:30 am. MCLD 202. Lectures
start September 3 and end November 29.
Detailed notes will be distributed before the relevant lecture.
The notes will often contain short exercises or missing parts
that will be completed during the lecture.
If you would like to pick up copies for other students please
wait until the end of the lecture to make sure there are enough
copies. You can always print out extra copies from the course's
Web page (see below).
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:30 -- 1:30 in MCLD 155.
Fridays 3:30 -- 4:30 pm. The tutorials will be used to review
difficult lecture material and to solve problems from the
Ayman El-Nagar
Anwar Elfeitori
will alternate in marking the assignments and may run some
Students should check the course Web page (http://www.ece.ubc.ca/~elec464)
regularly for announcements about the course. You can read these
Web pages using the text browser (lynx) which is available
through Netinfo. Copies of the lecture notes, assignments, etc
will also be available in various formats.
You are encouraged to use the newsgroup ubc.courses.elec.464 to post
questions or comments about the course. The TAs will monitor the
newsgroup and answer questions related to the assignments.
Students who will design systems that include digital
Student should have experience in the design of simple digital
circuits and have done some machine language programming using a
We will not use a textbook in this course. Concepts will be
explained in the lecture notes and we will use manufacturers'
data sheets and standards documents as examples and reference
material. I hope this will give you a better introduction to the
design process than using a textbook.
The Indispensable PC Hardware Book, second edition, by
Hans-Peter Messmer (Addison-Wesley, 1995, C$52) is a detailed
reference on the IBM PC Architecture.
VHDL for Logic Synthesis: An Introductory Guide for
Achieving Design Requirements by Andrew Rushton
(McGraw-Hill, 1996, US$55) is a good text on logic synthesis
using VHDL. The Synopsys VHDL Compiler Reference Manual
(available in the VLSI lab) is also a good reference on synthesis
with VHDL. These books cover much more than you will need for
this course. A number of tutorials and a short book on VHDL are
available on the net (see the course Web page).
The Art of Electronics, second edition, by Paul
Horowitz and Winfield Hill, Cambridge University Press, 1989, is
a good practical reference book on most aspects of electronics.
An assignment will be given out each week. Solutions will be
given out for all questions but not all questions will be marked.
Late assignments will be given a mark of zero.
Assignments are to be done individually. Students are encouraged
to seek help from classmates but copying is not allowed.
Possible penalties include a mark of zero for all assignments.
There will be a one-hour mid-term examination in late October
(date TBD). The final mark will be calculated as follows:
final exam 60%
midterm exam 30%
assignments 10%
By the end of the course the student should have the background
required to begin designing microprocessor-based systems using
standard ICs. In general, the student should be able to:
- design simple combinational and sequential circuits using
the synthesis subset of VHDL covered in the course
- describe the response of a circuit described in VHDL to a
given input
- describe in detail the 8088 processor bus and the behaviour
of its signals during read and write cycles
- describe in detail the response of an 8088 processor to an
- compute timing margins for read and write cycles from CPU
and memory timing specifications
- design multi-chip memory banks that meet bus loading and
timing requirements using common memory ICs (SRAM, DRAM, EPROM)
- select and justify the choice of I/O strategy (polled,
interrupt, or DMA) for a given application
- write software to control programmable peripheral chips
(e.g. DMA, interrupt controller, timer/counter, parallel and
serial interfaces) in 8088 assembly language
- describe and analyze the behaviour of SCSI and RS-232 bus
signals during common operations
Detailed objectives will be provided in the introduction to each
set of lecture notes.
The course is structured in a bottom-up order: digital logic
circuits, the processor bus, the system bus, and peripheral
interfaces. As examples we will use the Xilinx 4000 FPGA, the
Intel 8088 CPU, the ISA bus and RS-232 and SCSI interfaces.
- review of digital logic design
- logic synthesis with VHDL
- the 8088 microprocessor
- memory system design
- polled, interrupt-driven and DMA interfaces
- system buses
- peripheral buses
This course deals with the hardware design of computers using
microprocessors. Related topics that are not covered in this
course include:
- microprocessor CPU design is covered in ELEC 476.
- IC design is covered in ELEC 479.
- general digital system design is not currently taught.
- operating systems are covered in CPSC 415 or ELEC 494.
- analog/digital interfaces are covered in ELEC 472.
Contents: [
Instructor |
Lectures |
Lecture Notes |
Office Hours |
Tutorials |
Teaching Assistants |
Web Page |
Newsgroup |
Prerequisites |
Text |
Other References |
Assignments |
Evaluation |
Objectives |
Course Outline |
Related Courses |
ELEC 464 Home Page