Marking of Assignment 8

Only Question 1 was marked. It was marked out of 10 although an extra 10% bonus could result in a mark of 11/10. One mark was assigned for each of the following:

The test circuit shown below was used to issue button pushes of the correct duration and display the group numbers on a computer attached to the 89C2051 microcontroller. The circuit outputs the value of P1 in hex (allowing the group number to be read from the initial hex digits) and receives commands over a serial port at 9600 bps.

A test program in the 89C2051 receives single-character commands over the serial port and can reset the controller being tested or pull the P3.2 "push-button" input low for either 20 or 200 ms. The 89C2051 also reports the state of the LEDs every time they change. The original purpose was to use an automated testing program to issue commands to the controller and analyze the responses to come up with a mark for each assignment automatically but I ran out of time so the testing had to be done manually.

This is a simple example of how a single-chip microcontroller can be used to implement a "smart" peripheral at low cost.

Test Circuit

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