Please Check Your Marks

All labs and assignments have been marked and the solutions and the marking scheme posted. The marks and marking scheme are available from the Content -> Course Information section on the course web site. To retrieve your marks you will need your password which was handed out with your mid-term exam. Please compare your marks against the marking scheme and your marked submissions (in the Dropbox section under Feedback -> View). The marks should reflect deductions for late submissions and absences excused with medical certificates. Let me know if you think I may have made an error in marking or in calculating your mark. In some cases the lab completion mark is based on a report showing that the lab was substantially completed. If you completed a lab but did not hand in a report you may have received 0 for that lab. In this case submit the report and let me know. You will get credit for completing the lab but not for the report. As explained in the course information sheet, material submitted after I download submissions (which is always well past the deadline and shortly before solutions are posted) will not be marked. The statistics for the Assignments, Labs and Midterm are shown below. The Final Mark statistics do not include the Final Exam.
Statistic      Assi-   Labs   Mid-     Final
              gnments         Term     Mark             
              (/20%)  (/20%)  (/11)    (/60%)
minimum		5%	8%	3	33%
average 	14% 	16% 	7.8 	47%
median 		15% 	19% 	8.0 	44%
maximum 	20% 	19% 	11 	53%
The password to look up your marks is pasted to the inside front cover of your midterm.

Change to Assignment Marking Scheme

As discussed in class and by unanimous agreement, there will be 5 assignments but only the 4 best marks will be counted. Assignment 5 has been posted and is due Saturday May 16 so that I can post the solutions before the start of exams.

Lab 0 - Wireshark Lab

This week's (March 16) lab is an introduction to Wireshark. This is the same as the last lab in ELEX 3525 and is only meant for students that have not taken 3525. It will be held on Friday at 10:30. There is no lab this week for the other set. The mark for this lab will not be counted towards the final grade in 4550. Students who complete the lab this week may count it as the final lab for ELEX 3525. Labs from this point on will be held in SW1-3555.

Midterm Exam

The midterm exam will he held on Thursday, March 19 at 11:30 AM in SE6-209 (regular lecture time but note the room change). It will cover material up to and including SONET (Lecture 8). Last year's midterm and solutions are available on my course archive site.

Room Changes

Effective Week of March 16:
    Monday   12:30 SW1-2030
    Tuesday  10:30 SW1-2009
    Thursday 11:30 SE6-209

Additional Explanations of Block Interleaving

Since there was some confusion about how block interleavers work, I've collected a couple of alternative explanations from two communications textbooks.