Marking Scheme

Marks were assigned as follows:

			   Final Exam

q1: 1 mark per correct answer
q2: 1 mark per correct answer
q3: 1 mark per correct answer (0.5 for (b) if partially correct)
q4: 1 mark for fs, 1 for number of bits
q5: 1 mark per part
q6: 1 mark part 1, 1 mark for conversion
q7: 1 mark for each approximately correct answer

			  MidTerm Exam 1

marked out of 15:


- 1 for answer 
- 1 for frequency limit


- 1 for calculation method
- 1 for answer

\item What is the power level in mW?

- 1 for calculation
- 1 for answer


- 1 for answer
- 1 for power limit


- 1 for method
- 1 for answer


- 1 for getting the remaining allowable loss (or power)
- 1 for dividing the power by attenuation to get the maximum length
- 1 for correct answer


- 1 for reducing received power by 2dB
- 1 for answer

			 Midterm Exam 2

q1: 2 for each part (method and answer)


- start/end flags
- address/control fields
- correct protocol number
- data
- escaping the 7d
- CRC length


			  Assignment 1

Marked out of 8, one mark for each section of each question.

			  Assignment 2

marked out of 9 as follows:

q1: B(attery) and R(inging) (2 marks)

q2: G.729 or similar (1 mark)

q3: 100/300 and 10 Gb/s (2 marks)

q4: any two items (1 mark)

q5: 9/27/9 (1 mark)

q6(a) 1.33, 2 (2 marks)

			  Assignment 3

marked out of 7:

q1b the correct hash value
q1c 160 bits
q1e only a few bits (or characters) stay the same
q2a 128 bits: 64 for network, 64 for host
q2c IPV6 for netflix
q3a number of pings sent before IP assignment
q4  correct A and MX lines


Lab 1 Pre-Lab (4):

- duration
- frequency resolution
- longest period
- minimum number of cycles

Lab 1 Report (4):

- spectrum screen shot
- frequencies
- DTMF digit
- tone amplitude difference

Lab 2 Pre-Lab (3):

- some code for u-law expansion
- quantization noise power for 256 levels
- a nonsense sentence

Lab 2 Report (3):

- plots of original and compressed waveforms
- plot of the SNR probability density
- 3x4 summary table

Lab 3 Pre-Lab (3):

- DMT symbol duration
- number of bytes written to .RAF file
- some Matlab code

Lab 3 Report (3):

- code listing
- power spectrum screen capture
- comparison of predicted and measured subcarrier frequency ranges

Lab 4 Report (3):

- 1. transmitted over ?
- 7. IP address of server?
- 13. what happens if DHCP release is lost?

Lab 5 Report (4):

- 1. IP address of web server in Asia
- 4. DNS uses TCP or UDP?
- 16. query sent to local DNS server
- 19. screenshot for NS responses for

Lab 6 (or 8) Report (4):

- capture showing plaintext message
- capture of TLS dialog
- browser screenshot with https: URL & contents
- capture of corresponding certificate details

Lab 7 Report (3):

- topology screen capture
- running configuration with student's name as router name
- wireshark screen capture