Download some VTK JNI binaries for Windows!
These were compiled from VTK-5.8.0 source, on Windows 7 x64
machine using Visual C++ Express 2010. To use with ArtiSynth,
unzip, and move the file vtk.jar to your $ARTISYNTH_CORE/lib/
directory, and move all the dll files (in lib/Windows64) to
$ARTISYNTH_CORE/lib/Windows64/. For 32-bit installs, install
the dlls in $ARTISYNTH_CORE/lib/Windows32/ (instead of Windows64).

You will need to point artisynth_core and artisynth_projects to the
vtk.jar file in your lib folder. For both _core and _projects:
In Packge Explorer, right-click on the artisynth{_core,_projects},
and select "Properties" (at the bottom of the context menu). Under
Java Build Path on the left, go to the Libraries tab, and then select
"Add JARs...". Select "vtk.jar" under artisynth_core/lib/.
(If you installed the vtkjni binaries elsewhere, you will need to use
"Add External JARs..." and then point to the appropriate location.)

Next, you need to set your Launch's run configurations to look for the shared
libaries (if you haven't already done so).
Under Run Configurations, select the "Environment" tab.
If PATH is not in the list, select "New...", and set Variable
to PATH, and Value to wherever your libs are
(eg c:/Users//workspace/artisynth_core/lib/Windows64/).

If PATH is there already, select "Edit..." and append the path to
the dlls to whatever is there already, separating paths with a
